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 “Music can change the world because it can change people." - Bono

When students attend their weekly music class at Ridge View, they learn about a variety of cultures, build imagination and intellectual interest, learn teamwork, conquer their fears, aid their language development, practice hard work and persistence, gain self confidence, and improve their academics.  This is accomplished through singing, playing a large variety of instruments, and dancing.  We believe music can reach the hearts of all students and can inspire them to see the world in new and exciting ways.  We have exciting performance opportunities at Ridge View.  These performances build confidence and self-esteem, unite our school culture and form lasting memories. Overall, it is our goal to instill a lifelong love for the art of music.  Thank you to the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts learning program for helping fund the music program and making it available to ALL students at Ridge View Elementary!

Become a friend of the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts learning program and support the music program at Ridge View Elementary.