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Welcome to Ridge View Elementary!

October Newsletter

October 1, 2024

Greetings Ridge View Families,

We look forward to seeing you at Parent-Teacher Conferences this week. These meetings offer a great opportunity to discuss your child's progress and collaborate for their success. While you're here, we invite you to visit the PTA Book Fair on Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Please remember that Thursday, October 3rd, is an early dismissal day at 1:00 p.m., and there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 4th.

Important dates to remember:

  • No school from October 21st-25th for fall recess.
  • Monday, October 28th is a Grade Transmittal Day with no school.

Additional details are available in the October Newsletter and our school calendar. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.

Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

Esperamos verlos en las conferencias de padres y maestros esta semana. Estas reuniones ofrecen una gran oportunidad para hablar sobre el progreso de su hijo y colaborar para lograr su éxito. Mientras esté aquí, lo invitamos a visitar la Feria del Libro de la PTA el miércoles de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. y el jueves de 8 a. m. a 6 p. m.

Recuerde que el jueves 3 de octubre es un día de salida temprana a la 1:00 p. m. y NO HAY CLASES el viernes 4 de octubre.

Fechas importantes para recordar:

  • No habrá clases del 21 al 25 de octubre por el receso de otoño.
  • El lunes 28 de octubre es un día de transmisión de calificaciones y no hay clases.

Puede encontrar más detalles en el boletín de octubre y en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nuestra oficina. Gracias por su continuo apoyo y colaboración.

Meredith Doleac, directora

September Newsletter

September 3, 2024

Greetings Ridge View Families,

WELCOME BACK!  We’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks so far and look forward to a great year. Our 2024-25 school theme is "To Proficiency and Beyond," with a strong emphasis on reading growth and improvement. Each grade level has specific quarterly goals to ensure every student progresses effectively. If you would like to learn ways that you can help your child at home with these goals, feel free to contact their teacher.

  • Kindergarten: I will reach my personal goal in lowercase letter sounds by October 11th.
  • 1st Grade: I can make 25% progress towards my end-of-year whole words read goal by October 11th.
  • 2nd Grade: I can make 25% progress towards my end-of-year fluency or whole words read goal by October 11th.
  • 3rd Grade: I can make 25% progress towards my end-of year fluency POP goal by October 11th.

Regular and consistent communication is essential to a strong partnership between home and school.  In order to receive important information and updates throughout the year, please ensure that we always have a current email address and phone number for your family. Our school website and monthly newsletters are additional resources that we hope you find helpful. Please refer to these often for updates and other school information. You can find the September Newsletter attached to this email.

Thank you for your support and partnership. I value your feedback and welcome opportunities to hear from you.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or input you might have.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡BIENVENIDOS DE NUEVO! Hemos tenido un par de semanas maravillosas hasta ahora y esperamos un gran año. Nuestro tema escolar 2024-25 es "Hacia la competencia y más allá", con un fuerte énfasis en el crecimiento y la mejora de la lectura. Cada nivel de grado tiene objetivos trimestrales específicos para garantizar que cada estudiante progrese de manera efectiva. Si desea conocer formas en las que puede ayudar a su hijo en casa con estos objetivos, no dude en comunicarse con su maestro.

  • Jardín de infantes: alcanzaré mi meta personal en sonidos de letras minúsculas para el 11 de octubre.
  • Primer grado: Puedo lograr un progreso del 25 % hacia mi meta de lectura de palabras completas de fin de año para el 11 de octubre.
  • 2do grado: Puedo lograr un progreso del 25% hacia mi meta de fluidez de fin de año o lectura de palabras completas para el 11 de octubre.
  • 3er grado: Puedo lograr un progreso del 25% hacia mi meta POP de fluidez de fin de año para el 11 de octubre.

La comunicación regular y constante es esencial para una sólida relación entre el hogar y la escuela. Para recibir información importante y actualizaciones durante todo el año, asegúrese de que siempre tengamos una dirección de correo electrónico y un número de teléfono actualizados de su familia. Nuestro sitio web escolar y los boletines mensuales son recursos adicionales que esperamos que le resulten útiles. Consúltelos con frecuencia para obtener actualizaciones y otra información escolar. Encontrará adjunto el boletín de septiembre.

Gracias por su apoyo y colaboración. Valoro sus comentarios y agradezco cualquier oportunidad de conocer su opinión. No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta, inquietud o sugerencia.

Meredith Doleac, directora

Back-To-School Night

Join us on Thursday, August 15th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Meet teachers and visit classrooms in an open house format.

2024-25 Back To School Information

Dear Ridge View Families,

Welcome back to a new school year! I hope you’ve had a fun and relaxing summer. As the first day of school approaches, here are some important updates:

  • Complete Yearly Registration: Ensure your child's yearly registration on SKYWARD is complete before school starts. This process must be done each year to provide access to school technology and keep information up-to-date.
  • Teacher Assignments: Once registration is complete, view teacher assignments in Skyward under "Schedule" starting August 13th.
  • Back-to-School Night: Join us on Thursday, August 15th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Meet teachers and visit classrooms in an open house format.
  • First Day of School:
    • K-3rd grade starts Wednesday, August 21st. Students should line up outside their grade level doors.
    • Preschool starts Monday, August 26th.
  • New Bell Schedule:
    • School starts at 9:00 a.m. every day, including Fridays (or any "Early Out" day).
    • Dismissal is at 3:45 p.m. (M-TH) and 1:00 p.m. (Fridays/Early Out days). Our website has been updated to reflect the new schedule, as well as half-day kindergarten schedules. Bus times will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Student Safety: Follow the provided links for Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures, Maps, and Safe Walking Routes.
  • Code of Conduct: Review school policies, procedures, and expectations in the Code of Conduct on our website, along with other helpful resources.

Thank you for your continuous support. Your partnership in education is invaluable, and I always welcome your feedback and questions. Here's to an outstanding 2024-25 school year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Estimadas familias de Ridge View:

¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a un nuevo año escolar! Espero que hayas tenido un verano divertido y relajante. A medida que se acerca el primer día de clases, aquí hay algunas actualizaciones importantes:

  • Complete la inscripción anual: asegúrese de que la inscripción anual de su hijo en SKYWARD esté completa antes de que comiencen las clases. Este proceso debe realizarse cada año para brindar acceso a la tecnología escolar y mantener la información actualizada.
  • Asignaciones de maestros: una vez completada la inscripción, vea las asignaciones de maestros en Skyward en "Programación" a partir del 13 de agosto.
  • Noche de regreso a clases: Únase a nosotros el jueves 15 de agosto de 5:30 pm a 7:00 pm Conozca a los maestros y visite las aulas en un formato de jornada de puertas abiertas.
  • Primer dia de escuela:
    • Los grados K-3 comienzan el miércoles 21 de agosto. Los estudiantes deben hacer fila afuera de las puertas de su nivel de grado.
    • El preescolar comienza el lunes 26 de agosto.
  • Nuevo horario de timbre:
    • La escuela comienza a las 9:00 am todos los días, incluidos los viernes (o cualquier día de “salida temprano”).
    • La salida es a las 3:45 pm (lunes-jueves) y a la 1:00 pm (viernes). Nuestro sitio web ha sido actualizado para reflejar el nuevo horario, así como los horarios de kindergarten de medio día. Los horarios de los autobuses se ajustarán en consecuencia.
  • Seguridad de los estudiantes: siga los enlaces proporcionados para procedimientos para dejar y recoger a los estudiantes , mapas y rutas seguras para caminar .
  • Código de conducta: revise las políticas, los procedimientos y las expectativas de la escuela en el Código de conducta de nuestro sitio web, junto con otros recursos útiles.

Gracias por su continuo apoyo. Su colaboración en la educación es invaluable y siempre agradezco sus comentarios y preguntas. ¡Por un excelente año escolar 2024-25!


Meredith Doleac, directora

Schedule Update for the 2024-25 School Year

Greetings Ridge View Families,

I hope you are enjoying a relaxing summer break! While we still have several weeks before we return, we are already planning and preparing for the upcoming school year.

As we look ahead to the 2024-25 school year, I want to inform you about changes to our daily schedule. These have been updated on our website and are also attached for your reference. Here are the key updates:

  • Start Time: School will begin at 9:00 a.m. every day, including Fridays (or any "early out" day). We will no longer have separate schedules for Monday-Thursday and Friday/Early Out days.
  • Dismissal Time:
    • Monday-Thursday: School will dismiss at 3:45 p.m., which is 10 minutes later than our previous dismissal time.
    • Fridays/Early Out Days: School will dismiss at 1:00 p.m.
  • Half-Day Kindergarten Schedules: These can be found on our website or by referring to the attached bell schedule.
  • Bus Schedule: Bus times will be adjusted to accommodate the new schedule.

We are also developing a plan for families with students who will be walking from Juniper to Ridge View to meet younger siblings after school. We will share the details of this plan before the school year starts.

Thank you for your attention to these changes. We look forward to an exciting year ahead!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Espero que estés disfrutando de unas relajantes vacaciones de verano! Si bien todavía tenemos varias semanas antes de regresar, ya estamos planificando y preparándonos para el próximo año escolar.

Mientras miramos hacia el año escolar 2024-25, quiero informarles sobre los cambios en nuestro horario diario. Estos han sido actualizados en nuestro sitio web y también son adjunto  para tu referencia. Aquí están las actualizaciones clave:

  • Hora de inicio: La escuela comenzará a las 9:00 am todos los días, incluidos los viernes (o cualquier día de salida temprano). Ya no tendremos horarios separados para los días de lunes a jueves y viernes/salida temprana.
  • Hora de salida:
    • De lunes a jueves: la escuela saldrá a las 3:45 p. m., que es 10 minutos más tarde que nuestra hora de salida anterior.
    • Viernes/Días de salida temprano: la escuela terminará a la 1:00 p.m.
  • Horarios de Kindergarten de medio día: Estos se pueden encontrar en nuestro sitio web o consultando el horario de timbre adjunto.
  • Horario de autobuses: Los horarios de los autobuses se ajustarán para adaptarse al nuevo horario.

También estamos desarrollando un plan para familias con estudiantes que caminarán desde Juniper hasta Ridge View para encontrarse con sus hermanos menores después de la escuela. Compartiremos los detalles de este plan antes de que comience el año escolar.

Gracias por su atención a estos cambios. ¡Esperamos un año emocionante por delante!


Meredith Doleac, directora

May Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Please join us this week in recognizing our amazing teachers at Ridge View as we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6th-10th. THANK YOU, TEACHERS!

As we look ahead to the final weeks of school, please watch for information regarding various classroom and school activities that are coming up. End of year kindergarten testing will be held May 20th-24th, with their last day of school being May 30th. The final day of school for students in grades 1st-6th is May 31st. Please refer to the May Newsletter for other important dates to be aware of.

As always, thank you for your involvement in the education of your child.  I am grateful for your support and appreciate the partnership we share. I wish all of our Ridge View families a fun and safe summer!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

Únase a nosotros esta semana para reconocer a nuestros increíbles maestros en Ridge View mientras celebramos la Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros, del 6 al 10 de mayo. ¡GRACIAS MAESTROS!

Mientras miramos hacia las últimas semanas de clases, esté atento a la información sobre diversas actividades escolares y en el aula que se avecinan. Las pruebas de fin de año de kindergarten se llevarán a cabo del 20 al 24 de mayo, y el último día de clases será el 30 de mayo. El último día de clases para los estudiantes de 1.º a 6.º grado es el 31 de mayo. por favor refiérase a Boletín de mayo para otras fechas importantes a tener en cuenta.

Como siempre, gracias por su participación en la educación de su hijo. Agradezco su apoyo y aprecio la asociación que compartimos. ¡Les deseo a todas nuestras familias de Ridge View un verano divertido y seguro!


Meredith Doleac, directora

April Newsletter

April 1, 2024

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing spring break. Believe it or not, we are now down to the final two months of school! We look forward to many fun and exciting activities during this time, as well as important learning goals still to accomplish.

I would like to congratulate Mrs. Kiernon Bowen on being selected as one of Jordan Education Foundation’s “OUTSTANDING EDUCATORS OF THE YEAR”! We are so proud to have Mrs. Bowen at Ridge View Elementary and appreciate all that she does for her students. Way to go!

Please be aware that next Friday, April 12th is a Teacher Professional Development Day. There is no school for students. The day prior, Thursday, April 11th, is NOT AN EARLY OUT DAY. School will dismiss at regular time that day.

Details about other important dates are included in the April Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Bienvenido de nuevo! Espero que todos hayan tenido unas vacaciones de primavera divertidas y relajantes. Lo creas o no, ¡ya estamos en los últimos dos meses de clases! Esperamos muchas actividades divertidas y emocionantes durante este tiempo, así como importantes objetivos de aprendizaje aún por lograr.

¡Me gustaría felicitar a la Sra. Kiernon Bowen por haber sido seleccionada como una de las “EDUCADORAS DESTACADAS DEL AÑO” de la Jordan Education Foundation! Estamos muy orgullosos de tener a la Sra. Bowen en la escuela primaria Ridge View y apreciamos todo lo que hace por sus estudiantes. ¡Camino a seguir!

Tenga en cuenta que el próximo viernes 12 de abril es el Día de Desarrollo Profesional Docente. No hay escuela para estudiantes. El día anterior, jueves 11 de abril. th , NO ES UN DÍA PARA SALIR TEMPRANO. La escuela terminará a la hora habitual ese día.

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el boletín de abril y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. Gracias por su continuo apoyo.


Meredith Doleac, directora

March Newsletter

March 1, 2024

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Thank you for attending Parent-Teacher Conferences last month. We hope the time you spent was informative and helpful. Though we only have conferences twice yearly, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time with questions or concerns. There is still a lot of learning and hard work to come during the final months of the school year.

Don’t forget that Spring Break is coming up March 25th – 29th. We hope everyone has a fun and restful week. School will resume on Monday, April 1st.

Details about other important dates are included in the March Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

Gracias por asistir a las conferencias de padres y maestros el mes pasado. Esperamos que el tiempo que pasó haya sido informativo y útil. Aunque solo tenemos conferencias dos veces al año, no dude en comunicarse con el maestro de su hijo en cualquier momento si tiene preguntas o inquietudes. Todavía queda mucho aprendizaje y trabajo duro por delante durante los últimos meses del año escolar.

No olvides que las vacaciones de primavera llegarán el 25 de marzo. th – 29 th . ¡Esperamos que todos tengan una semana divertida y relajante! La escuela se reanudará el lunes 1 de abril. calle .

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el boletín de marzo y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!


Meredith Doleac, directora

February 16, 2024

Dear Ridge View Families,

I would like to take a moment to remind everyone of our procedures for student drop-off and pick-up each day. Recently, we have had several issues with students being dropped off and picked up in the areas surrounding the bus lane and in the north parking lot along Raptor Way. These areas are not designated for drop-off/pick-up areas. For the safety of all of our students, please review the following procedures and attached maps. Drop-off/Pick-up procedures can also be found on our website.

  • Students are not allowed to cross any bus or car lanes unless accompanied by a parent.
  • If you want to drop off or pick up in the north or east parking lot you must park your car in a stall and walk your students across a designated crossing.
  • Students must follow the black arrows to exit the school grounds (see map). These arrows ensure that students are not crossing traffic without a crossing guard.
  • Cars should never pull into the bus lane and students should not cross the bus lane at any time, with or without an adult.

Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation in ensuring the safety of our students. Should you have any questions regarding these procedures, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Estimadas familias de Ridge View:

Me gustaría tomarme un momento para recordarles a todos nuestros procedimientos para dejar y recoger a los estudiantes cada día. Recientemente, hemos tenido varios problemas con los estudiantes que fueron dejados y recogidos en las áreas que rodean el carril del autobús y en el estacionamiento norte a lo largo de Raptor Way. Estas áreas no están designadas para áreas de dejar/recoger. Para la seguridad de todos nuestros estudiantes, revise los siguientes procedimientos y los mapas adjuntos. Los procedimientos de entrega y recogida también se pueden encontrar en nuestro sitio web.

  • A los estudiantes no se les permite cruzar ningún carril de autobús o automóvil a menos que estén acompañados por un padre.
  • Si desea dejar o recoger en el estacionamiento norte o este debe estacione su automóvil en un puesto y acompañe a sus estudiantes a través de un cruce designado.
  • Los estudiantes deben seguir las flechas negras para salir del recinto escolar (ver mapa ). Estas flechas aseguran que los estudiantes no crucen el tráfico sin un guardia de cruce.
  • Los automóviles nunca deben ingresar al carril del autobús y los estudiantes no deben cruzar el carril del autobús en ningún momento, con o sin un adulto.

Gracias de antemano por su ayuda y cooperación para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre estos procedimientos, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.


Meredith Doleac, directora

February 6, 2024

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It’s been a rainy and mild start to the busy month of February! We forward to the Jordan School District Health and Wellness Day this Friday, February 9th. If you would like information or ideas that focus on student health and wellness, please visit

As we focus on the well-being of our students, I would like to take a moment to remind everyone of our drop-off and pick-up procedures. Please help us ensure the safety of our students by adhering to the following procedures:

  • Limit your speeds. It is important to remember that children sometimes act unpredictably. Lower speed allows for appropriate reaction time.
  • Help maintain a continual flow of traffic by pulling all the way forward when dropping off and picking up your child. Students are asked to wait south of the first crosswalk in order for cars to pull as far forward as possible.
  • Do not leave your vehicle unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone. If you need to come into the school for any reason, please park in the parking lot and use the crosswalk.
  • Students should exit and enter vehicles on the passenger (curb) side of the vehicle.
  • If using the parking lot for drop-off or pick-up, please be aware that you must PARK your vehicle and walk your student to and from the crosswalk. The parking lot should not be used as a drive-thru pick-up/drop-off.  
  • Handicap spaces are reserved for those with a disabled plate or placard. Please keep these spaces open for individuals who qualify.

Please keep in mind the following important dates for the month:

  • Friday, February 9th is Health and Wellness Day. There is NO SCHOOL. Please be aware that Thursday, February 8th is NOT an early out day. We will follow a regular bell schedule with dismissal at 3:35 p.m.
  • Monday, February 19th is President’s Day. There is NO SCHOOL.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences are Wednesday and Thursday, February 21st and 22nd. Thursday is an early-out day. Friday, February 23rd is a Teacher Compensatory Day. There is NO SCHOOL.

Other important dates and information are included in the February Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Ha sido un comienzo lluvioso y templado para el ajetreado mes de febrero! Nos adelantamos al Día de Salud y Bienestar del Distrito Escolar de Jordan este viernes 9 de febrero. Si desea información o ideas que se centren en la salud y el bienestar de los estudiantes, visite

Mientras nos enfocamos en el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes, me gustaría tomarme un momento para recordarles a todos nuestros procedimientos para dejar y recoger a los estudiantes. Ayúdenos a garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes cumpliendo con los siguientes procedimientos:

  • Limite sus velocidades. Es importante recordar que a veces los niños actúan de forma impredecible. Una velocidad más baja permite un tiempo de reacción adecuado.
  • Ayude a mantener un flujo continuo de tráfico al tirando todo el camino hacia adelante al dejar y recoger a su hijo. Se les pide a los estudiantes que esperen al sur del primer cruce de peatones para que los autos avancen lo más posible.
  • No deje su vehículo desatendido en la zona de dejar/recoger. Si necesita entrar a la escuela por algún motivo, estacione en el estacionamiento y use el cruce de peatones.
  • Los estudiantes deben salir y entrar a los vehículos por el lado del pasajero (bordillo).
  • Si utiliza el estacionamiento para dejar o recoger a sus hijos, tenga en cuenta que debe ESTACIONAR su vehículo y acompañar a su estudiante hacia y desde el cruce de peatones. El estacionamiento no debe usarse como un servicio de recogida/devolución desde el vehículo.
  • Los espacios para discapacitados están reservados para aquellos con placa o cartel para discapacitados. Mantenga estos espacios abiertos para las personas que califiquen.

Tenga en cuenta las siguientes fechas importantes del mes:

  • viernes 9 de febrero th es el Día de la Salud y el Bienestar. No hay escuela. Tenga en cuenta que Jueves 8 de febrero th NO es un día de salida temprano . Seguiremos un horario regular con salida a las 3:35 pm
  • Lunes 19 de febrero th es el día del presidente. No hay escuela.
  • Las conferencias de padres y maestros son el miércoles y jueves 21 de febrero. calle y 22 Dakota del Norte . El jueves es un día para salir temprano. viernes 23 de febrero tercero es un Día Compensatorio para Maestros. No hay escuela.

Otras fechas e información importantes se incluyen en el boletín de febrero y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina.


Meredith Doleac, directora


Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2024-25 School Year is Underway!

If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2024, your child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program.

Please visit this linkOpens in a new window to complete online enrollment:

  • If you already have a student in Jordan School District, use the box on the right that says “New Student Enrollment.” You will use your current Skyward login and password. If you do not know your login and/or password please call the school office at 801-567-8930 and we will assist you.
  • If you are new to the district, use the box on the left to create a “Temporary Account for New Student Enrollment.”
  • Be sure to indicate that the enrollment is for the 2024-2025 school year.

Once you have completed the online enrollment, please bring the following required documentation to the school office:

January Newsletter

January 3, 2024

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Welcome Back and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break.  It is wonderful to see all of the students back at school this week.

It’s hard to believe that kindergarten enrollment for the 2024-25 school year begins this month.  It is very important that we have an accurate count of the number of kindergartners who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024, please come in to register him/her for kindergarten.  Information will be sent home and posted on our website regarding this process. Also, please help us spread the word to friends and neighbors with kindergartners who might not be aware of the enrollment period.  Kindergarten Orientation will be held, Friday, January 19, 2024.  We will follow an open house format and invite you to drop in anytime from 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Please note that there is no school on Monday, January 15 for Martin Luther King Day and on Tuesday, January 16 for a Grade Transmittal Day.

Details about other important dates are included in the January Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Bienvenidos de nuevo y FELIZ AÑO NUEVO! Espero que todos hayan tenido un descanso relajante y agradable. Es maravilloso ver a todos los estudiantes de regreso a la escuela esta semana.

Es difícil creer que la inscripción al jardín de infantes para el año escolar 2024-25 comience este mes. Es muy importante que tengamos un recuento preciso del número de niños de kindergarten que vendrán a Ridge View el próximo año escolar. Si tiene un hijo que cumplirá 5 años en o antes 1 de septiembre de 2024, venga a inscribirlo en el jardín de infantes. La información se enviará a casa y se publicará en nuestro sitio web sobre este proceso. Además, ayúdenos a correr la voz entre amigos y vecinos con niños de jardín de infantes que quizás no estén al tanto del período de inscripción. La orientación de jardín de infantes se llevará a cabo el viernes 19 de enero de 2024. Seguiremos un formato de jornada de puertas abiertas y lo invitaremos a visitarnos en cualquier momento de 2:00 a 3:00 p. m.

Tenga en cuenta que no habrá clases el lunes 15 de enero por el Día de Martin Luther King y el martes 16 de enero por el Día de transmisión de calificaciones.

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el boletín de enero y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!


Meredith Doleac, directora

December Newsletter

December 1, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It’s December, which also means colder temperatures, shorter days, and holiday planning! The upcoming weeks can become quite overwhelming as families prepare for gatherings, travel, and other special events. In all of this preparation, it is helpful to make every effort possible to maintain daily routines, consistent homework and reading practice, and regular bedtimes for your child.  Each of these not only supports your student’s learning, but also helps them enjoy the many holiday activities at home and school.

Winter Recess is December 22nd - January 2nd. Please be aware that Thursday, December 21st is an EARLY OUT DAY. Dismissal is at 12:45 p.m.  School will resume on Wednesday, January 3, 2023.  Enjoy the break!

Details about other important dates, as well as inclement weather guidelines, are included in the December Newsletter and are also listed on our school website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.

As always, thank you for your continued partnership in the education of your child.  I wish you and your families joy and peace this holiday season, and a happy and prosperous New Year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Es diciembre, lo que también significa temperaturas más frías, días más cortos y planificación de vacaciones! Las próximas semanas pueden resultar bastante abrumadoras a medida que las familias se preparan para reuniones, viajes y otros eventos especiales. En toda esta preparación, es útil hacer todo lo posible para mantener rutinas diarias, tareas constantes y práctica de lectura, y horarios regulares para acostarse para su hijo. Cada uno de estos no sólo respalda el aprendizaje de sus hijos, sino que también les ayuda a disfrutar de las numerosas actividades navideñas en el hogar y la escuela.

El receso de invierno es el 22 de diciembre - 2 de enero. Tenga en cuenta que el jueves diciembre 21 es un DÍA DE SALIDA TEMPRANO. La salida es a las 12:45 pm  La escuela se reanudará el miércoles 3 de enero de 2023. ¡Disfruta las vacaciones!

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes, así como las pautas sobre las inclemencias del tiempo, se incluyen en el boletín informativo de diciembre y también se enumeran en el sitio web de nuestra escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con nuestra oficina.

Como siempre, gracias por su continua colaboración en la educación de su hijo. ¡Les deseo a ustedes y a sus familias alegría y paz en estas fiestas y un feliz y próspero Año Nuevo!


Meredith Doleac, directora

November Newsletter

November 1, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It is hard to believe that it’s already November! It’s going to be a busy month and one that is sure to go quickly as we move into the holiday season. Please keep in mind that Thanksgiving Recess is November 22nd-24th. Tuesday, November 21st is an early-out day. Dismissal is at 12:45 p.m. (AM Kindergarten will dismiss at 10:35)

Other important dates and information are included in the November Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving season!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Cuesta creer que ya estamos en noviembre! Será un mes muy ocupado y seguramente transcurrirá rápidamente a medida que nos acerquemos a la temporada navideña. Por favor tenga en cuenta que el receso de Acción de Gracias es del 22 al 24 de noviembre . El martes 21 de noviembre es un día de salida temprano. La salida es a las 12:45 pm (El jardín de infantes de la mañana saldrá a las 10:35)

Otras fechas e información importantes se incluyen en el boletín de noviembre y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. ¡Les deseo a todos una maravillosa temporada de Acción de Gracias!


Meredith Doleac, directora

October Newsletter

October 2, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

During the month of October we will be focusing on Bully Prevention and Awareness Month, as well as student safety. Our wonderful PTA has planned a week of fun activities for our students, including “Walk to School Day” on Friday, October 13th. This is a great opportunity to educate students about pedestrian safety when walking or riding a bike/scooter to and from school. I encourage your involvement in Walk to School Day by talking with your child about staying safe as a pedestrian.

I’d also like to direct you to important safety information on our school website.  This includes our Safe Walking Routes, which consists of a map and a text description showing the safest walking routes to school. In addition, you can find Ridge View’s Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures. These procedures are in place to ensure the smooth flow of traffic, but most importantly the safety of our students. Please take a moment to review each of these items and become familiar them. As role models for our children, we can commit to follow safe driving rules.

Other important events to keep in mind include Parent Teacher Conferences and Fall Break. Please refer to the October Newsletter and school calendar for more information about these.

I am grateful for your partnership and appreciate everyone’s efforts to make student safety a priority at Ridge View.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

Durante el mes de octubre nos centraremos en el Mes de Concientización y Prevención del Bully, así como en la seguridad de los estudiantes. Nuestra maravillosa PTA ha planeado una semana de actividades divertidas para nuestros estudiantes, incluido el “Día de Caminar a la Escuela” el viernes 13 de octubre. Esta es una gran oportunidad para educar a los estudiantes sobre la seguridad de los peatones cuando caminan o andan en bicicleta/scooter hacia y desde la escuela. Le recomiendo que participe en el Día de Caminar a la Escuela hablando con su hijo sobre cómo mantenerse seguro como peatón.

También me gustaría dirigirlo a información importante sobre seguridad en el sitio web de nuestra escuela. Esto incluye nuestro Rutas seguras para caminar , que consta de un mapa y una descripción de texto que muestra las rutas más seguras para caminar a la escuela. Además, puedes encontrar Procedimientos para dejar y recoger a Ridge View . Estos procedimientos están implementados para garantizar el flujo fluido del tráfico, pero lo más importante es la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes. Tómese un momento para revisar cada uno de estos elementos y familiarizarse con ellos. Como modelos a seguir para nuestros hijos, podemos comprometernos a seguir reglas de conducción segura.

Otros eventos importantes a tener en cuenta incluyen las conferencias de padres y maestros y las vacaciones de otoño. por favor refiérase a Boletín de octubre y calendario escolar para más información sobre estos.

Agradezco su colaboración y aprecio los esfuerzos de todos para hacer de la seguridad de los estudiantes una prioridad en Ridge View.


Meredith Doleac, directora

Drop-Off/Pick-Up Safety Reminders

September 7, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In order to ensure the safety of our students at Ridge View Elementary, as well as maintain the smooth flow of traffic in our parking lots, we ask for your cooperation with the following procedures:

  1. The student drop-off and pick-up zone is located in the front of the school. Please enter through the North entrance on the East side of the building and pull as far forward as possible. Students should enter/exit their vehicle on the PASSENGER side.
  2. When entering the drop-off/pick-up zone from Greenford Lane, please be mindful of traffic coming from both directions.  We ask that drivers be patient and considerate by taking turns and allowing one another to merge into the entrance.Please refrain from passing cars in the opposite lane of oncoming traffic.
  3. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone.  If you need to come into the school, please park in the VISITOR PARKING LOT and escort your student using the crosswalk.
  4. There is no student drop-off or pick-up in the FACULTY PARKING LOT on the north side of the building. Vehicles are not allowed in the BUS LANES at any time.
  5. Handicap spaces are reserved for those with a plate or placard. Please keep these spaces open for individuals who qualify.

You can refer to the attached map/plan map/plan for additional drop-off/pick-up information. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience.  We appreciate your assistance in helping to keep our students safe!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

RVE Drop-Off/Pick-Up Plan

Estimados padres/tutores,

Para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes en Ridge View Elementary, así como mantener el flujo fluido de tráfico en nuestros estacionamientos, solicitamos su cooperación con los siguientes procedimientos:

  1. La zona para dejar y recoger a los estudiantes está ubicada al frente de la escuela. Ingrese por la entrada norte en el lado este del edificio ytire lo más hacia adelante posible. Los estudiantes deben entrar/salir de su vehículo por el lado del PASAJERO.
  2. Al ingresar a la zona para dejar/recoger desde Greenford Lane, tenga en cuenta el tráfico que viene de ambas direcciones. Les pedimos a los conductores que sean pacientes y considerados al turnarse y permitirse incorporarse unos a otros en la entrada.Por favor, absténgase de rebasar automóviles en el carril opuesto al tráfico que viene en sentido contrario.
  3. No deje su vehículo desatendido en la zona de dejar/recoger. Si necesita entrar a la escuela, estacione en el ESTACIONAMIENTO PARA VISITANTES y acompañe a su estudiante por el cruce de peatones.
  4. No se permite dejar ni recoger a los estudiantes en el ESTACIONAMIENTO DE LA FACULTAD en el lado norte del edificio. No se permiten vehículos en los CARRILES BUS en ningún momento.
  5. Los espacios para discapacitados están reservados para aquellos con placa o cartel. Mantenga estos espacios abiertos para las personas que califiquen.

Puedes consultar el adjunto. mapa/plano  para obtener información adicional sobre dejar/recoger. Gracias de antemano por su cooperación y paciencia. ¡Apreciamos su ayuda para ayudar a mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes!


Plan de entrega y recogida de RVE

September Newsletter

September 1, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

WELCOME BACK!  We’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks back so far and look forward to a successful year ahead. Great things are happening at Ridge View!

As always, regular and consistent communication is essential to a strong partnership between home and school.  In order to receive important information and updates throughout the year, please ensure that we always have a current email address and phone number for your family.

Our school website and monthly newsletters are also resources that we hope you find helpful. Please refer to these often for updates and other school information. You can find the September Newsletter here.

I value your feedback and welcome opportunities to hear from you.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or input you might have. It’s going to be an outstanding year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡BIENVENIDO DE NUEVO! Hemos tenido un par de semanas maravillosas hasta ahora y esperamos tener un año exitoso por delante. ¡Están sucediendo grandes cosas en Ridge View!

Como siempre, la comunicación regular y consistente es esencial para una asociación sólida entre el hogar y la escuela. Para recibir información importante y actualizaciones durante todo el año, asegúrese de tener siempre una dirección de correo electrónico y un número de teléfono actualizados para su familia.

El sitio web de nuestra escuela y los boletines mensuales también son recursos que esperamos que le resulten útiles. Consulte estos con frecuencia para obtener actualizaciones y otra información escolar. Puede encontrar el boletín de septiembre aquí.

Valoro sus comentarios y agradezco las oportunidades de escuchar de usted. No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta, inquietud o comentario que pueda tener. ¡Va a ser un año excepcional!


Meredith Doleac, directora

Help us "Clear the List"

Greetings Ridge View Families,

With just a little over a week to go until the first day of school, our teachers are busy preparing to welcome back students. You can help them make it a great year by donating supplies for their classroom. Attached you will find a list of our Ridge View teachers and links to their wish lists. Please keep in mind that this is optional and all donations are completely voluntary. We appreciate your support and partnership!

As a reminder, Back to School Night is this Thursday, August 17th from 5:30-7:00 p.m. There will be a brief PTA meeting at 5:00 p.m. for anyone wanting to attend.

We look forward to a wonderful school year ahead!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

2023-24 Back-to-School Information

August 7, 2023

Dear Ridge View Families,

I am excited to welcome all of you back to a new school year! As summer break draws to an end and the first day of school quickly approaches, I would like to bring your attention to some important information.

  • If you have not already done so, please complete your child’s yearly registration on SKYWARD before school starts. This ensures that your child will have access to school technology and that we have accurate and up-to-date information for your child. This is a process that must be completed each year.
  • When registration is completed, teacher assignments can be viewed in Skyward under "Schedule" beginning August 14th.
  • Join us for a Back-to-School Open House Night on Thursday, August 17th from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Students will have an opportunity to meet their teachers and visit classrooms. We look forward to seeing you there!
  • The first day of school for 1st-6th grade is Tuesday, August 22nd. Students should line up outside of their grade level doors and wait for teachers to bring them inside.
  • The first day of preschool is Monday August 28th.
  • The first day of kindergarten is Wednesday, August 30th.
  • Please be reminded of an IMPORTANT CHANGE that will impact our bell schedule for the upcoming school year. On Fridays or any "early out day", school will start and end 15-minutes earlier than the rest of the week. This means that we will follow a Monday-Thursday schedule and a separate Friday/Early Out Day schedule. I have provided a copy of the 2023-24 Daily Bell Schedule for your reference. Bus times will be adjusted accordingly to accommodate the schedule.
  • Please be aware that student breakfast and lunch prices have increased this year to $1.05 for breakfast and $2.00 for lunch. You can refer to our website for information on free and reduced-priced meals.
  • Student safety is a top priority. The following links provide instructions for Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures and Maps, as well as Safe Walking Routes.
  • Please refer to the Code of Conduct for important information about school policies, procedures, and expectations. This, along with other helpful resources and information can be found on our website.

Thank you for your continuous support. I appreciate your partnership in the education of our students and always welcome your feedback and questions. I look forward to an outstanding 2023-24 school year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Estimadas familias de Ridge View,

¡Estoy emocionado de darles la bienvenida a todos a un nuevo año escolar! A medida que las vacaciones de verano llegan a su fin y el primer día de clases se acerca rápidamente, me gustaría llamar su atención sobre información importante.

  • Si aún no lo ha hecho, complete la inscripción anual de su hijo en SKYWARD antes de que comiencen las clases. Esto asegura que su hijo tenga acceso a la tecnología escolar y que tengamos información precisa y actualizada para su hijo. Este es un proceso que debe completarse cada año.
  • Cuando se completa el registro, las asignaciones de los maestros se pueden ver en Skyward en "Horario" a partir del 14 de agosto. el .
  • Únase a nosotros para una noche de puertas abiertas de regreso a la escuela el jueves 17 de agosto el de 5:30 pm a 7:00 pm Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a sus maestros y visitar las aulas. Esperamos verlos allí!
  • El primer día de clases para 1 calle -6 el el grado es el martes 22 de agosto Dakota del Norte . Los estudiantes deben hacer fila afuera de las puertas de su nivel de grado y esperar a que los maestros los traigan adentro.
  • El primer día de preescolar es el lunes 28 de agosto. el .
  • El primer día de kindergarten es el miércoles 30 de agosto. el .
  • Recuerde un CAMBIO IMPORTANTE que afectará nuestro horario de clases para el próximo año escolar. Los viernes o cualquier "día de salida temprano", la escuela comenzará y terminará 15 minutos antes que el resto de la semana. Esto significa que seguiremos un horario de lunes a jueves y un horario separado de viernes/salida anticipada. He proporcionado una copia de la Horario diario de campanas 2023-24 para tu referencia. Los horarios de los autobuses se ajustarán en consecuencia para adaptarse al horario.
  • Tenga en cuenta que los precios del desayuno y el almuerzo de los estudiantes han aumentado este año a $ 1.05 para el desayuno y $ 2.00 para el almuerzo. Puede consultar nuestro sitio web para obtener información sobre comidas gratis y a precio reducido.
  • La seguridad de los estudiantes es una prioridad. Los siguientes enlaces proporcionan instrucciones para Procedimientos de Dejar y Recoger y mapas , así como Rutas seguras para caminar .
  • por favor refiérase a Código de conducta para obtener información importante sobre las políticas, los procedimientos y las expectativas de la escuela. Esto, junto con otros recursos e información útiles, se puede encontrar en nuestro sitio web.

Gracias por su continuo apoyo. Agradezco su colaboración en la educación de nuestros estudiantes y siempre agradezco sus comentarios y preguntas. ¡Espero tener un excelente año escolar 2023-24!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

2023-24 Daily Schedule

Please be reminded of an IMPORTANT CHANGE that will impact our bell schedule for the 2023-24 school year. Beginning in the fall, our bell schedule on Fridays or any "early out day" will differ from the rest of the week with a 15-minute earlier arrival and dismissal time. This means that we will follow a Monday-Thursday schedule and a separate Friday/Early Out Day schedule. The change to the bell schedule is for Friday/Early Out Days ONLY. Please refer to the attached 2023-24 Daily Bell Schedule, which reflects this update.

May/June Newsletter

May 1, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Please join me this week in recognizing our amazing teachers at Ridge View as we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, May 1st-5th. THANK YOU TEACHERS!

As we look ahead to the final weeks of school, please watch for information regarding various classroom and school activities that are coming up. End of year kindergarten testing will be held May 19th-26th, with their last day of school being June 1st. The final day of school for students in grades 1st-6th is June 2nd. There is still much to be done between now and then, and we look forward to a great end to our school year.

This month’s newsletter includes information about full-day kindergarten, as well as job openings we have for the 2023-24 school year. Additionally, important dates and events for the final month of school are listed. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

As always, thank you for your involvement in the education of your child.  I am grateful for your support and appreciate the partnership we share. I wish all of our Ridge View families a fun and safe summer!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

1 de mayo de 2023

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

Únase a mí esta semana para reconocer a nuestros increíbles maestros en Ridge View mientras celebramos la Semana de agradecimiento a los maestros, del 1 al 5 de mayo. ¡GRACIAS MAESTROS!

A medida que avanzamos hacia las últimas semanas de clases, esté atento a la información sobre las diversas actividades escolares y del salón de clases que se avecinan. Las pruebas de kindergarten de fin de año se llevarán a cabo el 19 de mayo. el -26 el , siendo su último día de clases el 1 de junio calle . El último día de clases para los estudiantes en los grados 1 calle -6 el es el 2 de junio Dakota del Norte . Todavía queda mucho por hacer entre ahora y entonces, y esperamos un gran final de nuestro año escolar.

El boletín de este mes incluye información sobre el jardín de infantes de día completo, así como las vacantes que tenemos para el año escolar 2023-24. Además, se enumeran fechas y eventos importantes para el último mes de clases. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina.

como siempre Gracias por su participación en la educación de su hijo. Estoy agradecido por su apoyo y aprecio la asociación que compartimos. ¡Les deseo a todas nuestras familias de Ridge View un verano divertido y seguro!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Full-Day Kindergarten

Dear Parents of Incoming Kindergarten Students,

We are excited to let you know that Ridge View Elementary will be offering a full-day kindergarten class for the upcoming 2023-24 school year. The students in this class will follow the same schedule as students in grades 1-6. Please be aware that full-day kindergarten is optional and that there will be half-day classes available as well.

Students will be accepted for full-day kindergarten based on the following criteria:

  1. Student need - based on PEEP (Pre-Entry and Exit Kindergarten) exit assessment
  2. EL (English Learner) identification 
  3. Mixed ability levels (based on PEEP exit assessment—determined by lottery)

The PEEP exit assessment will be used to determine enrollment for the full-day class. Students wishing to participate in the full-day class must take the PEEP exit assessment. Please note that the PEEP exit assessment does not replace the KEEP entrance assessment given to all kindergarten students at the beginning of the school year. 

Students who attended a Jordan District preschool during the 2022-23 school year will be given the PEEP exit assessment and will not need to schedule an appointment.

If you are interested in participating in full-day kindergarten, please contact our office at 801.567.8930 to schedule a testing appointment. We will notify families of their placement for kindergarten in July.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Estimados padres de estudiantes que ingresan al jardín de infantes,

Nos complace informarle que Ridge View Elementary ofrecerá una clase de kindergarten de día completo para el próximo año escolar 2023-24. Los estudiantes en esta clase seguirán el mismo horario que los estudiantes en los grados 1-6. Tenga en cuenta que el jardín de infantes de día completo es opcional y que habrá clases de medio día disponibles también.

Los estudiantes serán aceptados para kindergarten de día completo según los siguientes criterios:

  1. Necesidad del estudiante - basada en la evaluación de salida PEEP (preingreso y salida del jardín de infantes)
  2. Identificación de EL (estudiante de inglés)
  3. Niveles de capacidad mixtos (basados en la evaluación de salida de PEEP, determinados por sorteo)

La evaluación de salida de PEEP se utilizará para determinar la inscripción para la clase de día completo. Los estudiantes que deseen participar en la clase de día completo deben tomar la evaluación de salida de PEEP. Tenga en cuenta que la evaluación de salida de PEEP no reemplaza la evaluación de entrada de KEEP que se les da a todos los estudiantes de jardín de infantes al comienzo del año escolar.

Los estudiantes que asistieron a un preescolar del distrito de Jordan durante el año escolar 2022-23 recibirán la evaluación de salida de PEEP y no necesitarán programar una cita.

Si está interesado en participar en el jardín de infantes de día completo, comuníquese con nuestra oficina al 801.567.8930 para programar una cita de prueba. Notificaremos a las familias sobre su ubicación para el jardín de infantes en julio.


Meredith Doleac, Directora

April Newsletter

April 3, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing spring break. Believe it or not, we are now down to the final two months of school! We look forward to many fun and exciting activities during this time, as well as important learning goals still to accomplish.

Please note that we have a couple of short weeks coming up this month. Friday, April 21st is a Teacher Professional Development Day. There is no school for students. Please be aware that the day prior, Thursday, April 20th is NOT AN EARLY OUT DAY. School will dismiss at regular time that day. Monday, April 24th is Mid-Spring Recess and there is no school. We will look forward to seeing students back on April 25th.

Details about other important dates are included in the April Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

3 de abril de 2023

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Bienvenido de nuevo! Espero que todos hayan tenido unas vacaciones de primavera divertidas y relajantes. Lo crea o no, ¡ahora estamos en los últimos dos meses de clases! Esperamos muchas actividades divertidas y emocionantes durante este tiempo, así como importantes objetivos de aprendizaje aún por lograr.

Tenga en cuenta que tenemos un par de semanas cortas este mes. El viernes 21 de abril es un Día de Desarrollo Profesional de Maestros. No hay escuela para los estudiantes. Tenga en cuenta que el día anterior, jueves 20 de abril, NO ES UN DÍA DE SALIDA TEMPRANO. La escuela saldrá a la hora habitual ese día. El lunes 24 de abril es el receso de primavera y no hay clases. Esperamos ver a los estudiantes de regreso el 25 de abril. el .

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el Boletín de abril  Boletín de abril  y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. Gracias por su continuo apoyo.


Meredith Doleac, Directora

March Newsletter

March 1, 2023

It’s hard to believe that March is upon us! After the recent storm we all experienced, I am definitely looking forward to the warmer temperatures this time of year usually brings.

Thank you for your understanding and support during the virtual learning days last week. We missed seeing all of you in person for parent-teacher conferences, but hope that your meetings were still as beneficial and informative as possible. As always, feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher at any time with questions or concerns.

Additional information and details about other important dates are included in the March Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

1 de marzo de 2023

¡Es difícil creer que marzo está sobre nosotros! Después de la reciente tormenta que todos experimentamos, definitivamente espero con ansias las temperaturas más cálidas que suele traer esta época del año.

Gracias por su comprensión y apoyo durante los días de aprendizaje virtual la semana pasada. Extrañamos verlos a todos en persona para las conferencias de padres y maestros, pero esperamos que sus reuniones hayan sido lo más beneficiosas e informativas posible. Como siempre, no dude en comunicarse con el maestro de su hijo en cualquier momento si tiene preguntas o inquietudes.

Información adicional y detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el Boletín de marzo Boletín de marzo y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Virtual Learning Day

February 22, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

I hope this finds all of you warm and safe at home this morning. As we shift to a virtual learning day, I’d like to make you aware of some important information.

  • Teachers will be available to meet with students virtually today from 10 am – 12pm. Your child’s teacher will communicate with you directly to share information about learning activities. If you have any questions, please feel free to email the teacher.
  • If you have a parent-teacher conference scheduled today, the teacher will be contacting you to provide instructions. All conferences will be held via Zoom or over the phone.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Stay safe!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

Espero que esto los encuentre a todos cálidos y seguros en casa esta mañana. A medida que cambiamos a un día de aprendizaje virtual, me gustaría informarle sobre información importante.

  • Los maestros estarán disponibles para reunirse con los estudiantes virtualmente hoy de 10 am a 12 pm. El maestro de su hijo se comunicará con usted directamente para compartir información sobre actividades de aprendizaje. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en enviar un correo electrónico al maestro.
  • Si tiene una conferencia de padres y maestros programada hoy, el maestro se comunicará con usted para brindarle instrucciones. Todas las conferencias se llevarán a cabo a través de Zoom o por teléfono.

Gracias por tu apoyo. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo. ¡Mantenerse seguro!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

February Newsletter

February 6, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It’s hard to believe how quickly January passed us by! I hope that February finds you and your family healthy and happy. We look forward to the second annual Jordan School District Health and Wellness Day this Friday, February 10th. If you would like information or ideas that focus on student health and wellness, please visit

Please keep in mind the following dates:

  • Friday, February 10th is Health and Wellness Day. There is NO SCHOOL. Please be aware that Thursday, February 9th is NOT an early out day. We will follow a regular bell schedule with dismissal at 3:35 p.m.
  • Monday, February 20th is President’s Day. There is NO SCHOOL.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences are Wednesday and Thursday, February 22rd and 23rd. Thursday is an early-out day with Dismissal is at 1:00 p.m. Friday, February 24th is a Teacher Compensatory Day. There is NO SCHOOL.

Other important dates and information are included in the February Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Es difícil creer lo rápido que pasó enero! Espero que febrero los encuentre a usted y a su familia saludables y felices. Esperamos con ansias el segundo Día Anual de Salud y Bienestar del Distrito Escolar de Jordan este viernes 10 de febrero. Si desea información o ideas que se centren en la salud y el bienestar de los estudiantes, visite

Por favor, tenga en cuenta las siguientes fechas:

  • viernes, 10 de febrero el es el Día de la Salud y el Bienestar. No hay escuela. Tenga en cuenta que jueves, 9 de febrero el NO es un día de salida temprano . Seguiremos un horario regular de campana con salida a las 3:35 pm
  • lunes, 20 de febrero el es el día del presidente. No hay escuela.
  • Las conferencias de padres y maestros son el miércoles y jueves 22 de febrero. rd y 23 rd . El jueves es un día de salida temprano y la salida es a la 1:00 p. m. viernes, 24 de febrero el es un Día Compensatorio para Maestros. No hay escuela.

Otras fechas e información importantes se incluyen en el boletín de febrero y también se enumeran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina.


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2023-24 School Year is Underway!

If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2023, your child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program.

Please visit this link to complete online enrollment:

  • If you already have a student in Jordan School District, use the box on the right that says “New Student Enrollment.” You will use your current Skyward login and password. If you do not know your login and/or password please call the school office at 801-567-8930 and we will assist you.
  • If you are new to the district, use the box on the left to create a “Temporary Account for New Student Enrollment.”
  • Be sure to indicate that the enrollment is for the 2023-2024 school year.

Once you have completed the online enrollment, please bring the following required documentation to the school office:

Kindergarten Enrollment and Orientation

January 18, 2023

Dear Ridge View Families,

Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2023-24 School Year is Underway!

It is important that we obtain an accurate list of all children qualifying for kindergarten in the Jordan School District for the 2023-2024 school year. If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2023, your child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program. If you know of friends or neighbors with a qualifying kindergarten child, please share this information with them and encourage them to register their child online.

Please visit this link to complete online enrollment:

  • If you already have a student in Jordan School District, use the box on the right that says “New Student Enrollment.” You will use your current Skyward login and password. If you do not know your login and/or password please call the school office at 801-567-8930 and we will assist you.
  • If you are new to the district, use the box on the left to create a “Temporary Account for New Student Enrollment.”
  • Be sure to indicate that the enrollment is for the 2023-2024 school year.

Once you have completed the online enrollment, please bring the following required documentation to the school office:

Kindergarten Orientation will be held February 3rd from 2:00-3:00 p.m. We will follow an open house format and invite families to stop in at their convenience.

Please contact our office if you have any questions.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Estimadas familias de Ridge View,

¡La inscripción para el jardín de infantes para el año escolar 2023-24 ya está en marcha!

Es importante que obtengamos una lista precisa de todos los niños que califican para kindergarten en el Distrito Escolar de Jordan para el año escolar 2023-2024. Si tiene un hijo que cumplirá cinco años el 1 de septiembre de 2023 o antes, su hijo califica para el programa de jardín de infantes del próximo año. Si sabe de amigos o vecinos con un niño de kindergarten que califique, comparta esta información con ellos y anímelos a registrar a su hijo en línea.

Por favor visite este Enlace para completar la inscripción en línea:

  • Si ya tiene un estudiante en el Distrito Escolar de Jordan, use el cuadro a la derecha que dice "Inscripción de nuevos estudiantes". Utilizará su nombre de usuario y contraseña actuales de Skyward. Si no conoce su nombre de usuario y/o contraseña, llame a la oficina de la escuela al 801-567-8930 y lo ayudaremos.
  • Si es nuevo en el distrito, use el cuadro de la izquierda para crear una "Cuenta temporal para la inscripción de nuevos estudiantes".
  • Asegúrese de indicar que la inscripción es para el año escolar 2023-2024.

Una vez que haya completado la inscripción en línea, traiga lo siguiente documentos requeridos a la oficina de la escuela:

Orientación de jardín de infantes se llevará a cabo el 3 de febrero de 2:00 p. m. a 3:00 p. m. Seguiremos un formato de jornada de puertas abiertas e invitaremos a las familias a visitarnos cuando les resulte conveniente.

Por favor póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina si tiene alguna pregunta.


Meredith Doleac, Directora

January Newsletter

January 4, 2023

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Welcome Back and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break.  It is wonderful to see all of the students back at school this week.

It’s hard to believe that kindergarten enrollment for the 2023-24 school year begins this month.  It is very important that we have an accurate count of the number of kindergartners who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023, please come in to register him/her for kindergarten.  Information will be sent home and posted on our website regarding this process. Also, please help us spread the word to friends and neighbors with kindergartners who might not be aware of the enrollment period.  Kindergarten Orientation will be held, Friday, February 3rd.  We will follow an open house format and invite you to drop in anytime from 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Please note that there is no school on Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King Day and on Tuesday, January 17th for a Grade Transmittal Day.

Details about other important dates are included in the January Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Bienvenidos de nuevo y FELIZ AÑO NUEVO! Espero que todos hayan tenido un descanso relajante y agradable. Es maravilloso ver a todos los estudiantes de regreso en la escuela esta semana.

Es difícil creer que la inscripción a kínder para el año escolar 2023-24 comience este mes. Es muy importante que tengamos un conteo exacto de la cantidad de niños de kindergarten que asistirán a Ridge View el próximo año escolar. Si tiene un hijo que cumplirá 5 años en o antes 1 de septiembre de 2023, venga a inscribirlo para el jardín de infantes. Se enviará información a casa y se publicará en nuestro sitio web con respecto a este proceso. Además, ayúdenos a correr la voz entre amigos y vecinos con niños en el jardín de infantes que quizás no estén al tanto del período de inscripción. La orientación de kindergarten se llevará a cabo el viernes 3 de febrero. rd . Seguiremos un formato de jornada de puertas abiertas y lo invitamos a pasar en cualquier momento de 2:00 p. m. a 3:00 p. m.

Tenga en cuenta que no hay clases el lunes 16 de enero. el por el Día de Martin Luther King y el martes 17 de enero el para un día de transmisión de calificaciones.

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el Boletín de enero  y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Drop-Off/Pick-Up Reminders

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As colder weather begins to settle in, we have noticed an increase in traffic as more families are dropping off and picking up their children.  In order to ensure the safety of our students at Ridge View Elementary, as well as maintain the smooth flow of traffic in our parking lots, we ask for your cooperation with the following procedures.

  1. Please limit your speeds. It is important to remember that children sometimes act unpredictably.  Lower speed allows for appropriate reaction time.
  2. When entering the drop-off/pick-up zone from Greenford Lane, please be mindful of traffic coming from both directions.  We ask that drivers be patient and considerate by taking turns and allowing one another to merge into the entrance. Please refrain from passing cars in the opposite lane of oncoming traffic. The Herriman Police Department will be assisting to enforce this.
  3. Please help maintain the flow of traffic by pulling all the way forward when dropping off and picking up your child. We ask that students walk the short distance required in order for you to pull completely forward.
  4. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone.  If you need to come into the school for any reason, please park in the parking lot and use the crosswalk.
  5. Students should exit and enter vehicles on the passenger (curb) side of the vehicle. It is not safe for them to load/unload on the left, as they will be in the thru lane of moving vehicles. This is very dangerous and impedes traffic.
  6. The parking lots should not be used as a drive-thru drop-off or pick-up. Should you choose to use the parking lots, please be aware that you must park your vehicle and go to the crosswalk to pick up and/or drop off your child. This cautionary measure is for the safety of your children.
  7. Handicap spaces are reserved for those with a plate or placard. Please keep these spaces open for individuals who qualify.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience.  We appreciate your assistance in helping to keep our students safe!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Estimados padres/tutores,

A medida que el clima más frío comienza a asentarse, hemos notado un aumento en el tráfico a medida que más familias dejan y recogen a sus hijos. Con el fin de garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes en la Escuela Primaria Ridge View, así como mantener el flujo fluido del tráfico en nuestros estacionamientos, le pedimos su cooperación con los siguientes procedimientos.

  1. Limite sus velocidades. Es importante recordar que los niños a veces actúan de manera impredecible. Una velocidad más baja permite un tiempo de reacción adecuado.
  2. Al ingresar a la zona para dejar/recoger a los niños desde Greenford Lane, tenga en cuenta el tráfico que viene de ambas direcciones. Pedimos a los conductores que sean pacientes y considerados turnándose y permitiéndose incorporarse a la entrada.Absténgase de rebasar vehículos en el carril opuesto al tráfico que se aproxima. El Departamento de Policía de Herriman ayudará a hacer cumplir esto.
  3. Por favor, ayude a mantener el flujo de tráfico avanzando completamente al dejar y recoger a su hijo. Les pedimos a los estudiantes que caminen la corta distancia requerida para que puedan avanzar completamente.
  4. Por favor, no deje su vehículo desatendido en la zona de dejar/recoger. Si necesita entrar a la escuela por cualquier motivo, estacione en el estacionamiento y use el cruce de peatones.
  5. Los estudiantes deben salir y entrar a los vehículos por el lado del pasajero (bordillo) del vehículo. No es seguro para ellos cargar/descargar a la izquierda, ya que estarán en el carril de paso de los vehículos en movimiento. Esto es muy peligroso e impide el tráfico.
  6. Los estacionamientos no deben usarse para dejar o recoger a los niños desde el automóvil.Si elige usar los estacionamientos, tenga en cuenta que debe estacionar su vehículo e ir al cruce de peatones para recoger y/o dejar a su hijo.Esta medida de precaución es para la seguridad de sus hijos.
  7. Los espacios para discapacitados están reservados para aquellos con placa o cartel. Mantenga estos espacios abiertos para las personas que califiquen.

Gracias de antemano por su cooperación y paciencia. ¡Agradecemos su ayuda para ayudar a mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

December Newsletter

December 1, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It’s December, which also means colder temperatures, shorter days, and holiday planning! The upcoming weeks can become quite overwhelming as families prepare for gatherings, travel, and other special events. In all of this preparation, it is helpful to make every effort possible to maintain daily routines, consistent homework and reading practice, and regular bedtimes for your child.  Each of these not only supports your student’s learning, but also helps them enjoy the many holiday activities at home and school.

Winter Recess is December 22nd - January 2nd. Please be aware that Wednesday, December 21st is an EARLY OUT DAY. Dismissal is at 1:00 p.m.  School will resume on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.  Enjoy the break!

Details about other important dates, as well as inclement weather policies are included in the December Newsletter  and are also listed on our school website.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

As always, thank you for your continued partnership in the education of your child.  I wish you and your families joy and peace this holiday season, and a happy and prosperous New Year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Es diciembre, lo que también significa temperaturas más frías, días más cortos y planificación de vacaciones! Las próximas semanas pueden volverse bastante abrumadoras a medida que las familias se preparan para reuniones, viajes y otros eventos especiales. En toda esta preparación, es útil hacer todo lo posible para mantener las rutinas diarias, la práctica constante de la tarea y la lectura, y la hora regular de acostarse para su hijo. Cada uno de estos no solo apoya el aprendizaje de su estudiante, sino que también lo ayuda a disfrutar de las muchas actividades navideñas en el hogar y la escuela.

El receso de invierno es diciembre 22 Dakota del Norte - 2 de enero Dakota del Norte . Tenga en cuenta que el miércoles, diciembre 21 S t  es un DÍA DE SALIDA TEMPRANO. La salida es a la 1:00 pm  La escuela se reanudará el martes 3 de enero de 2023. ¡Disfrute el descanso!

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes, así como las políticas de inclemencias del tiempo se incluyen en el Boletín de diciembre y también se enumeran en el sitio web de nuestra escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina.

Como siempre, gracias por su colaboración continua en la educación de su hijo. ¡Les deseo a ustedes y a sus familias alegría y paz en estas fiestas y un feliz y próspero Año Nuevo!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

November Newsletter

November 1, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It is hard to believe that it’s already November! It’s going to be a busy month and one that is sure to go quickly as we move into the holiday season. Please keep in mind the following dates:

  • Friday, November 4th is a Professional Development Day. There is NO SCHOOL. Please be aware that Thursday, November 3rd is NOT an early out day. We will follow a regular bell schedule with dismissal at 3:35 p.m.
  • Thanksgiving Recess is November 23rd-25th. Tuesday, November 22nd is an early-out day. Dismissal is at 1:00 p.m. (AM Kindergarten will dismiss at 10:50)

Other important dates and information are included in the November Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving season!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Cuesta creer que ya es noviembre! Va a ser un mes ajetreado y seguro que pasará rápido a medida que nos acerquemos a la temporada navideña. Por favor, tenga en cuenta las siguientes fechas:

  • El viernes 4 de noviembre es un día de desarrollo profesional. No hay escuela. Tenga en cuenta que el jueves 3 de noviembre rd NO es un día de salida temprano. Seguiremos un horario regular de campana con salida a las 3:35 pm
  • El receso de acción de gracias es el 23 de noviembre rd -25 el . martes, 22 de noviembre Dakota del Norte es un día de salida temprano. La salida es a la 1:00 pm  (AM Kindergarten saldrá a las 10:50)

Otras fechas e información importantes se incluyen en el Boletín de noviembre y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. ¡Les deseo a todos una maravillosa temporada de Acción de Gracias!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Fall Recess and Halloween Activities

October 20, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

I’d like to wish all of you a wonderful Fall Recess! I hope you find time to relax and enjoy some of the many fall festivities taking place. We look forward to seeing students back at school on Monday, October 31st. That morning, we invite you to attend the Halloween Parade at 9:15 a.m.  The parade will take place outside and begin at the 6th grade doors on the west side of the school. Students will then walk counter clockwise around the school to the front of the building. The parade for afternoon kindergarten students will take place in front of the school at 1:00 p.m. 

Students may arrive at school dressed in their costumes.  Please remember that costume masks, hoods that cover the face, and weapons or weapon facsimiles are not permitted.  Classroom parties have been arranged by room parents and will be held after the parade.  All visitors are asked to enter check in at the offices.

We appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines and look forward to a fun day!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Me gustaría desearles a todos un maravilloso receso de otoño! Espero que encuentre tiempo para relajarse y disfrutar de algunas de las muchas festividades de otoño que se llevan a cabo. Esperamos ver a los estudiantes de regreso en la escuela el lunes 31 de octubre. S t . Esa mañana, te invitamos a asistir al Desfile de Halloween a las 9:15 a.m. El desfile tendrá lugar al aire libre y  empezar a las 6 el puertas de grado en el lado oeste de la escuela. Luego, los estudiantes caminarán en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj alrededor de la escuela hasta el frente del edificio. El desfile de los alumnos de kindergarten de la tarde se llevará a cabo frente a la escuela a la 1:00 p. m. 

Los estudiantes pueden llegar a la escuela vestidos con sus disfraces. Recuerde que no se permiten máscaras de disfraces, capuchas que cubran la cara y armas o facsímiles de armas. Los padres de salón han organizado fiestas en los salones y se llevarán a cabo después del desfile. Se solicita a todos los visitantes ingresar al check in en las oficinas.

¡Agradecemos su cooperación con estas pautas y esperamos un día divertido!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Walk to School Day

October 10, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

As we celebrate Red Ribbon Week at Ridge View, I want to make you aware that Wednesday, October 12th is Walk to School Day! This is a great opportunity to educate students about pedestrian safety when walking or riding a bike/scooter to and from school. I encourage your involvement in Walk to School Day by talking with your child about staying safe as a pedestrian.

During the morning walk to school on Wednesday, the PTA will be at several different locations to pass out water, treats, and prizes. If you are interested in getting involved, please use the following to sign up:

I’d also like to direct you to important safety information on our school website.  This includes our Safe Walking Routes, which consists of a map and a text description showing the safest walking routes to school. In addition, you can find Ridge View’s Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures. These procedures are in place to ensure the smooth flow of traffic, but most importantly the safety of our students. Please take a moment to review each of these items and become familiar them. As role models for our children, we can commit to follow safe driving rules

I am grateful for your partnership and appreciate everyone’s efforts to make student safety a priority at Ridge View.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

10 de octubre de 2022

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

Mientras celebramos la Semana del Listón Rojo en Ridge View, quiero informarles que el miércoles 12 de octubre el es el Día de Caminar a la Escuela! Esta es una gran oportunidad para educar a los estudiantes sobre la seguridad de los peatones al caminar o andar en bicicleta/scooter hacia y desde la escuela. animo a tu participación en el Día de caminar a la escuela hablando con su hijo sobre cómo mantenerse seguro como peatón.

Durante la caminata matutina a la escuela el miércoles, la PTA estará en varios lugares diferentes para repartir agua, golosinas y premios. Si está interesado en participar, utilice lo siguiente para registrarse:

También me gustaría dirigirlo a información de seguridad importante en el sitio web de nuestra escuela. Esto incluye nuestro Rutas seguras para caminar , que consta de un mapa y una descripción de texto que muestra las rutas a pie más seguras para ir a la escuela. Además, puedes encontrar Procedimientos para dejar/recoger en Ridge View . Estos procedimientos existen para garantizar el flujo fluido del tráfico, pero lo más importante es la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes. Tómese un momento para revisar cada uno de estos elementos y familiarizarse con ellos. Como modelos a seguir para nuestros hijos, podemos comprometernos a seguir las reglas de conducción segura

Estoy agradecido por su colaboración y aprecio los esfuerzos de todos para hacer de la seguridad de los estudiantes una prioridad en Ridge View.


Meredith Doleac, Directora

October Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families!

The school year is in full swing and there are many great things happening here at Ridge View.  I have enjoyed meeting so many of our new students and families over the past several weeks.  We truly have a wonderful school community of students, staff, and parents!

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held this Wednesday and Thursday, October 5th and 6th. All conferences will take place in your child’s classroom. Teachers who are in portable classrooms will hold their conferences in the library and gym. While you are here, we invite you to visit the PTA Book Fair, as well as the “Say Boo to the Flu” Clinic. Both will be held Wednesday and Thursday.

As a reminder, Thursday, October 6th is an early out day.  School will dismiss at 1:00 p.m.  There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 7th.

Looking ahead, please be aware there is no school on Friday, October 21st due to a Grade Transmittal Day, followed by Fall Recess, October 24th-28th.  Thursday, October 20th is an early out day. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday, October 31st. Please watch for information to be sent later in the month about Halloween festivities.

 Details about other important dates are included in the October Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

3 de octubre de 2022

¡Saludos familias de Ridge View!

El año escolar está en pleno apogeo y están sucediendo muchas cosas maravillosas aquí en Ridge View. Disfruté conocer a tantos de nuestros nuevos estudiantes y familias durante las últimas semanas. ¡Realmente tenemos una maravillosa comunidad escolar de estudiantes, personal y padres!

Las conferencias de padres y maestros se llevarán a cabo este miércoles y jueves 5 de octubre. el y 6 el . Todas las conferencias se llevarán a cabo en el salón de clases de su hijo. Los maestros que están en aulas portátiles llevarán a cabo sus conferencias en la biblioteca y el gimnasio. Mientras esté aquí, lo invitamos a visitar la Feria del Libro de la PTA, así como la Clínica “Say Boo to the Flu”. Ambos se llevarán a cabo el miércoles y el jueves.

Como recordatorio, jueves 6 de octubre el es un día de salida temprano. La escuela saldrá a la 1:00 pm NO HAY CLASES el viernes 7 de octubre el .

De cara al futuro, tenga en cuenta que no hay clases el viernes 21 de octubre. S t debido a un día de transmisión de calificaciones, seguido por el receso de otoño, el 24 de octubre el -28 el .  jueves, 20 de octubre el es un día de salida temprano. Esperamos verlos a todos de regreso en la escuela el lunes 31 de octubre. S t . Esté atento a la información que se enviará más adelante en el mes sobre las festividades de Halloween.

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el Boletín de Octubre y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina.

¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo y colaboración!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

September Newsletter

September 1, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

WELCOME BACK!  We’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks back so far and look forward to a successful year ahead. Great things are happening at Ridge View!

As always, regular and consistent communication is essential to a strong partnership between home and school.  In order to receive important information and updates throughout the year, please ensure that we always have a current email address and phone number for your family.

Our school website and monthly newsletters are also resources that we hope you find helpful. Please refer to these often for updates and other school information. You can find the September Newsletter here.

I value your feedback and welcome opportunities to hear from you.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or input you might have. It’s going to be an outstanding year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

1 de septiembre de 2022

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡BIENVENIDO DE NUEVO! Hemos tenido un par de semanas maravillosas hasta ahora y esperamos un año exitoso por delante. ¡Grandes cosas están sucediendo en Ridge View!

Como siempre, la comunicación constante y regular es esencial para una asociación sólida entre el hogar y la escuela. Para recibir información importante y actualizaciones durante todo el año, asegúrese de que siempre tengamos una dirección de correo electrónico y un número de teléfono actualizados para su familia.

El sitio web de nuestra escuela y los boletines mensuales también son recursos que esperamos que sean de utilidad. Consulte estos a menudo para obtener actualizaciones y otra información escolar. Puedes encontrar el Newsletter de Septiembre aqui.

Valoro sus comentarios y agradezco las oportunidades de saber de usted. No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo con cualquier pregunta, inquietud o aporte que pueda tener. ¡Va a ser un año extraordinario!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Ridge View Elementary Wellness Center

August 16, 2022

Dear Ridge View Families,

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! Our staff has worked very hard to ensure students get off to a great start and have a positive experience this year. We care deeply for our students and want to provide every opportunity for them to succeed.

Research shows that there is a direct correlation between student wellness and academic achievement. Unfortunately, we are seeing an increase in students who experience stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. All of these can adversely impact teaching and learning in our schools.  As a means to address some of these issues, we are excited to introduce a Wellness Center at Ridge View. The room provides a safe, quiet atmosphere where students can “reset” and develop healthy coping skills to address their stress and anxiety.  Students benefit from opportunities to calm their minds and bodies in a peaceful, comfortable environment.

During the first week of school, students will have an opportunity to attend an orientation in the Wellness Center  and become familiar with what it is, the tools and resources available, and how to access it throughout the year. We are confident this will benefit all of our students and provide the additional support needed by so many.

You can find additional information about the Ridge View Wellness Center here, or feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. We also invite you to stop by during Back to School Night. Thank you for your partnership and continued support. I am truly grateful for the wonderful school community we have.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Welcome Back to School!

August 5, 2022

Dear Ridge View Families,

I am excited to welcome all of you back to a new school year! As summer break draws to an end and the first day of school quickly approaches, I would like to bring your attention to some important information.

  • If you have not already done so, please complete your child’s yearly registration on SKYWARD before school starts. This ensures that your child will have access to school technology and that we have accurate and up-to-date information for your child. This is a process that must be completed each year.
  • Teacher assignments can be viewed in Skyward under "Schedule" beginning August 9th once you have completed the registration.
  • Join us for a Back-to-School Open House Night on Tuesday, August 16th from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Students will have an opportunity to meet their teachers and visit classrooms. We look forward to seeing you there!
  • The first day of school for 1st-6th grade is Thursday, August 18th. Students should line up outside of their grade level doors and wait for teachers to bring them inside.
  • The first day of preschool is Wednesday August 24th.
  • The first day of kindergarten is Friday, August 26th.
  • Please be aware that schools will resume charging for breakfast and lunch due to the expiration of a federal waiver that allowed for all meals to be free. The USDA waiver was put into place as a form of emergency relief during the pandemic and expired in June. Families can still apply for free and reduced-price meals as they did before the pandemic. School meal prices can be found on our website.
  • Student safety is a top priority. Please refer to the following links for Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures and Safe Walking Routes.
  • Please refer to the Code of Conduct for important information about school policies, procedures, and expectations. This, along with other helpful resources and information can be found on our website.

Thank you for your continuous support. I appreciate your partnership in the education of our students and always welcome your feedback and questions. I look forward to an outstanding 2022-23 school year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

5 de agosto de 2022

Estimadas familias de Ridge View,

¡Estoy emocionado de darles la bienvenida a todos a un nuevo año escolar! A medida que las vacaciones de verano llegan a su fin y el primer día de clases se acerca rápidamente, me gustaría llamar su atención sobre información importante.

  • Si aún no lo ha hecho, complete la inscripción anual de su hijo en SKYWARD antes de que comiencen las clases. Esto asegura que su hijo tenga acceso a la tecnología escolar y que tengamos información precisa y actualizada para su hijo. Este es un proceso que debe completarse cada año.
  • Las tareas de los maestros se pueden ver en Skyward en "Horario" a partir del 9 de agosto el una vez que haya completado el registro.
  • Únase a nosotros para una noche de puertas abiertas de regreso a la escuela el martes 16 de agosto el de 5:30 pm a 7:00 pm Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a sus maestros y visitar las aulas. Esperamos verlos allí!
  • El primer día de clases para 1 S t -6 el el grado es el jueves 18 de agosto el . Los estudiantes deben hacer fila afuera de las puertas de su nivel de grado y esperar a que los maestros los traigan adentro.
  • El primer día de preescolar es el miércoles 24 de agosto. el .
  • El primer día de kindergarten es el viernes 26 de agosto. el .
  • Tenga en cuenta que las escuelas volverán a cobrar por el desayuno y el almuerzo debido a la expiración de una exención federal que permitía que todas las comidas fueran gratuitas. La exención del USDA se implementó como una forma de ayuda de emergencia durante la pandemia y expiró en junio. Las familias aún pueden solicitar comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido como lo hacían antes de la pandemia. Los precios de las comidas escolares se pueden encontrar en nuestro sitio web .
  • La seguridad de los estudiantes es una prioridad. Por favor, consulte los siguientes enlaces para Procedimientos de Dejar y Recoger y Rutas seguras para caminar .
  • por favor refiérase a Código de conducta para obtener información importante sobre las políticas, los procedimientos y las expectativas de la escuela. Esto, junto con otros recursos e información útiles, se puede encontrar en nuestro sitio web .

Gracias por su continuo apoyo. Agradezco su colaboración en la educación de nuestros estudiantes y siempre agradezco sus comentarios y preguntas. ¡Espero tener un excelente año escolar 2022-23!


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Ridge View is Hiring!

While the start of the new school year is still several weeks away, we are busy gearing up and preparing to welcome back our students. We are currently hiring at Ridge View and have several openings for various positions. If you are looking for a great job and interested in joining our team, you can find our job postings at
Please contact our office for additional information or questions.

May/June Newsletter

May 2, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It doesn’t seem possible that we are embarking upon our final month of school.  While this past year continued to have its share of challenges, it’s great to say that things feel more normal than they have in a long time.

As we look ahead to the final weeks of school, please watch for information regarding various classroom and school activities that are coming up. Kindergarten testing will be held May 20th-27th, with their last day of school being June 2nd. The final day of school for students in grades 1st-6th will be June 3rd.

Important dates and information are included in the May/June Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

As always, thank you for your involvement in the education of your child.  I am grateful for your support and appreciate the partnership we share. I wish all of our Ridge View families a fun and safe summer!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

April Newsletter

April 4, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Believe it or not, we are down to the final two months of school! We look forward to many fun and exciting activities during this time, as well as important learning goals still to accomplish.

As you know, Spring Break is just around the corner. It will begin Friday, April 15th and extend through the following week of April 18th-22ndPlease keep in mind that Thursday, April 14th will be an early out day with dismissal at 1:00 p.m. I wish everyone a fun and relaxing break, and will look forward to seeing students back at school on Monday, April 25th.

Details about other important dates are included in the April Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

March Newsletter

March 1, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

If you are like I am, you’re anxiously awaiting the arrival of spring and all of the fun activities that come along! As you look ahead to the month of March, I want to make you aware of some important corrections to the Ridge View magnet calendar.  Below are the CORRECTED dates:

March 16th & 17th – Parent Teacher Conferences

March 17th – Early Out Day, Dismissal at 1:00 p.m.

March 18thCompensatory Day, NO SCHOOL

March 24th – Early Out Day, Dismissal at 1:00 p.m.

March 25th – Grade Transmittal Day, NO SCHOOL

Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place in your child’s classroom.  While you are here, we also invite you to visit the PTA Book Fair.

Details about other important dates are included in the March Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

1 de marzo de 2022

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

Si eres como yo, ¡estás esperando ansiosamente la llegada de la primavera y todas las actividades divertidas que vienen! Mientras mira hacia el mes de marzo, quiero informarle sobre algunas correcciones importantes en el calendario magnético de Ridge View. Abajo están los Fechas CORREGIDAS :

16 de marzo el & 17 el - Conferencias de padres y profesores

Marzo 17 el – Día de Salida Temprano, Salida a la 1:00 pm

18 de marzo el – Día Compensatorio, NO HAY CLASES

24 de marzo el – Día de Salida Temprano, Salida a la 1:00 pm

25 de marzo el – Día de transmisión de calificaciones, NO HAY CLASES

Las conferencias de padres y maestros se llevarán a cabo en el salón de clases de su hijo. Mientras esté aquí, también lo invitamos a visitar la Feria del Libro de la PTA.

Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el Boletín de marzo y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!


Meredith Doleac, Directora


It is important that we obtain an accurate list of all children qualifying for kindergarten in the Jordan School District for the 2022-2023 school year. If you have a child that will be five years of age on or before September 1, 2022, your child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program. If you know of friends or neighbors with a qualifying kindergarten child, please share this information with them and encourage them to register their child online.

Please visit this link to complete online enrollment:

  • If you already have a student in Jordan School District, use the box on the right that says “New Student Enrollment.” You will use your current Skyward login and password. If you do not know your login and/or password please call the school office at 801-567-8930 and we will assist you.
  • If you are new to the district, use the box on the left to create a “Temporary Account for New Student Enrollment.”
  • Be sure to indicate that the enrollment is for the 2021-2023 school year.

Once you have completed the online enrollment, please bring the following required documentation to the school office:

Kindergarten Orientation will be held February 25th at 1:30 p.m.


Es importante que obtengamos una lista precisa de todos los niños que califican para kindergarten en el Distrito Escolar de Jordan para el año escolar 2022-2023. Si tiene un hijo que cumplirá cinco años el 1 de septiembre de 2022 o antes, su hijo califica para el programa de jardín de infantes del próximo año. Si sabe de amigos o vecinos con un niño de kindergarten que califique, comparta esta información con ellos y aliéntelos a registrar a su hijo en línea.

Visite este enlace para completar la inscripción en línea:

  • Si ya tiene un estudiante en el Distrito Escolar de Jordan, use el cuadro a la derecha que dice "Inscripción de nuevos estudiantes". Utilizará su nombre de usuario y contraseña actuales de Skyward. Si no conoce su nombre de usuario y/o contraseña, llame a la oficina de la escuela al 801-567-8930 y lo ayudaremos.
  • Si es nuevo en el distrito, use el cuadro de la izquierda para crear una "Cuenta temporal para la inscripción de nuevos estudiantes".
  • Asegúrese de indicar que la inscripción es para el año escolar 2021-2023.

Una vez que haya completado la inscripción en línea, traiga lo siguiente documentos requeridos a la oficina de la escuela:

  • Acta de nacimiento original
  • Registros de vacunas actuales
  • Prueba de residencia - inglés/español

Orientación de jardín de infantes se realizará el 25 de febrero el a las 13:30

February Newsletter

February 2, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It’s hard to believe how quickly January passed us by! I hope that February finds you and your family healthy and happy. As we continue to experience challenges as a result of Covid, I want to say thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. In order to focus on the well being of students, families, and employees, next Friday, February 11th, has been converted from a Flex Friday to a Health and Wellness Day. Teachers will be unavailable that day and there will be no student work submitted.  There will also be no school meal service provided. Health and wellness materials will be emailed to families and available for your use if you choose. More information will be forthcoming from the district.

As a reminder, kindergarten enrollment for the 2022-23 school year is underway.  It is very important that we have an accurate count of kindergartner students who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2022, your child qualifies for next year’s kindergarten program. Please visit our website for additional information and instructions for online enrollment.

Kindergarten Orientation will take place February 25th at 1:30 p.m. If you know of friends or neighbors with a qualifying kindergarten child, please share this information with them and encourage them to register their child online.

There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 21st for President’s Day.  Details about other important dates are included in the February Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your partnership in the education of your child. If there is every anything I can help with, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

2 de febrero de 2022

Saludos familias de Ridge View,

¡Es difícil creer lo rápido que pasó enero! Espero que febrero los encuentre a usted y a su familia saludables y felices. A medida que continuamos experimentando desafíos como resultado de Covid, quiero agradecerles por su continuo apoyo y cooperación. Con el fin de enfocarnos en el bienestar de estudiantes, familias y empleados, el próximo viernes 11 de febrero th, se ha convertido de un viernes flexible a un día de salud y bienestar. Los maestros no estarán disponibles ese día y no se enviará ningún trabajo de los estudiantes. Tampoco habrá servicio de comedor escolar. Los materiales de salud y bienestar se enviarán por correo electrónico a las familias y estarán disponibles para su uso si así lo desea. Próximamente habrá más información del distrito.

Como recordatorio, la inscripción a kínder para el año escolar 2022-23 ya está en marcha. Es muy importante que tengamos un conteo exacto de los estudiantes de kindergarten que vendrán a Ridge View el próximo año escolar. Si tiene un hijo que cumplirá 5 años el 1 de septiembre de 2022 o antes, su hijo califica para el programa de jardín de infantes del próximo año. Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener información adicional e instrucciones para la inscripción en línea.

La orientación de kindergarten se llevará a cabo el 25 de febrero. el a las 13:30 Si sabe de amigos o vecinos con un niño de kindergarten que califique, comparta esta información con ellos y aliéntelos a registrar a su hijo en línea.

NO HAY CLASES el lunes 21 de febrero S t para el día del presidente. Los detalles sobre otras fechas importantes se incluyen en el Boletín de febrero  y también figuran en nuestro calendario escolar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina. Gracias por su colaboración en la educación de su hijo. Si hay algo en lo que pueda ayudar, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo.


Meredith Doleac, Directora

Boletín de febrero

Virtual Learning

January 14, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We had a great day at school today and hope our students left feeling prepared for our upcoming virtual learning days next week, January 19, 20, and 21.  As a reminder, there is no school Monday, January 17, for Martin Luther King Day or Tuesday, January 18, for grade transmittal day.  Virtual instruction will begin on Wednesday, January 19.  You and your child will receive specific information from teachers regarding scheduled instruction and learning activities, including Zoom meeting times. Please communicate directly with the teachers if your child needs additional help outside of the scheduled Zoom times.  Teachers will be available by email or phone to answer questions and offer support.

Chromebooks were checked out to students today to use for online instruction.  If you are in need of a device and did not receive one today, you may pick one up on Wednesday, January 19 from 9am-12pm.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided in a “grab and go” style each of the virtual learning days.  Students should enter and exit through the cafeteria doors located on the west side of the building.

  • Breakfast: 8am-9am
  • Lunch: 11:30am-12:30pm

Please be aware there will be no crossing guards on duty next week. We encourage any students who are walking to school for breakfast or lunch to be cautious and follow pedestrian safety rules.

We are grateful for your support and look forward to a successful week of virtual learning.  If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or our office. We’ll see everyone next week virtually!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

IMPORTANT: Changes to Drop-Off and Pick-Up

January Newsletter

January 3, 2022

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Welcome Back and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break.  It is wonderful to see all of the students back at school this week.

It’s hard to believe that kindergarten enrollment for the 2021-22 school year begins this month.  It is very important that we have an accurate count of the number of kindergartners who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2022, please come in to register him/her for kindergarten.  Information will be sent home and posted on our website regarding this process. Also, please help us spread the word to friends and neighbors with kindergartners who might not be aware of the enrollment period.  Kindergarten Orientation will be held, Friday, February 25th at 1:30 p.m.

Please note that there is no school on Monday, January 17th for Martin Luther King Day and on Tuesday, January 18th for a Grade Transmittal Day.

Details about other important dates are included in the January Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

December Newsletter

December 1, 2021

Greetings Ridge View Families,

December is here, along with colder temperatures and shorter hours of daylight! The upcoming weeks can become quite overwhelming as families prepare for holiday gatherings, travel, and other special events. In all of this preparation, it is helpful to make every effort possible to maintain daily routines, consistent homework/reading practice, and regular bedtimes for your child.  Each of these not only supports your student’s learning, but also helps them enjoy the many fun holiday activities at home and school.

As a reminder, Winter Recess begins after school on Friday, December 17th.  School will resume on Monday, January 3, 2022.  Enjoy the break!

Details about other important dates, as well as inclement weather policies are included in the December Newsletter and are also listed on our school website.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

As always, thank you for your continued partnership in the education of your child.  I wish you and your families joy and peace this holiday season, and a happy and prosperous New Year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

November Newsletter

November 1, 2021

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It is hard to believe that November is already upon us.  We have been busy here at school with a variety of activities, including the implementation of a new reading program called, “Walk to Read”.  We are excited about it and know it will be beneficial for our students. Be sure to ask your child about it.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held November 8th-11th. Conferences will be held in-person and virtually this year. While you are here, we invite you to visit the PTA Book Fair on November 11th and 12th, as well as the “Say Boo to the Flu Clinic” that will be held Wednesday, November 11th from 3:30-7:00 p.m.

As a reminder, Thursday, November 11th is early out day with dismissal at 1:00 p.m. There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, November 12th. Other important dates to keep in mind include the following:

  • Friday, November 19th is a FLEX FRIDAY. In-person attendance on Flex Friday is by teacher invitation only. The teacher will contact you one week in advance to invite your child, however, please keep in mind that in-person attendance is NOT required. ALL students will be provided learning goals and assignments to complete in-person or at home. If you have any questions, please contact the office or your child’s teacher.
  • Thanksgiving Recess is November 24th-26th. Tuesday, November 23rd is early-out dismissal at 1:00 p.m.

Details about other important dates are included in the November Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support and partnership.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Halloween Parade                             

Greetings Ridge View Families,

We would like to extend an invitation for you to attend the Halloween Parade on Friday, October 29th at 9:15 a.m.  The parade will take place outside and begin at the 6th grade doors on the northwest side of the school. The students will then walk counter clockwise around the school to the front of the building. The parade for afternoon kindergarten students will take place in front of the school at 11:15 a.m.

Students may arrive at school dressed in their costumes.  Please remember that masks, hoods that cover the face, and weapon facsimiles are not permitted.  Classroom parties have been arranged by room parents and will be held after the parade.  All visitors are asked to enter through the main doors.

We appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines and look forward to a fun day!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

October Newsletter

October 4, 2021

Greetings Ridge View Families!

The school year got off to a great start and is in full swing for students and staff.  It’s been fun getting to know so many new faces and families attending Ridge View. We truly have a wonderful school community of students, staff, and parents!

October is a busy month that brings an extended break for students.  Please be aware there is no school Monday, October 18th due to Grade Transmittal Day, followed by Fall Recess, October 19th-22nd. I hope you find time to relax and enjoy some fun and safe fall festivities with your families!

Please watch for additional details and information to come later in the month regarding Halloween parties and celebrations.

Details about other important dates are included in the October Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Important Arrival and Dismissal Reminders

September 15, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we continue to make safety a priority, we ask for your support with the following arrival and dismissal procedures:

  • The student drop-off and pick-up zone is in front of the school. Please pull all the way forward when dropping off and picking up your child. This helps ensure the smooth flow of traffic and allows us to better supervise students.
  • Please do not leave your car unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone. If you need to come into the school for any reason, please park and use the crosswalk.  As a reminder, the handicap parking stalls are reserved for those vehicles with a sticker.
  • Students should exit and enter vehicles on the right (curb) side of the vehicle. It is not safe for them to exit/enter on the left, as they will be in the thru lane.
  • The parking lots should not be used as a drive-thru drop-off or pick-up. Should you choose to use the parking lots, please be aware that you must park your vehicle and go to the crosswalk to pick up and/or drop off your child.  Please understand this cautionary measure is for the safety of your children.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation with these important procedures.  The safety of our students is a priority. We ask for your patience and understanding as we fine tune these procedures and address any issues that may arise with ongoing construction.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

September Newsletter

September 1, 2021

Greetings Ridge View Families,

WELCOME BACK!  We’ve had a great start to the school year and look forward to a successful year ahead.  It’s been exciting to feel the school buzzing again.

As always, regular and consistent communication is essential to a strong partnership between home and school.  In order to receive important information and updates throughout the year, please ensure that we always have a current email address and phone number for your family.

Our school website and newsletter are a couple of other places you can find helpful information.  Please find the September Newsletter here.

I value your feedback and welcome opportunities to hear from you.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or input you might have.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

School Community Council

August 30, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Ridge View Elementary School Community Council consists of eight parent members voted in for a two-year term.  The purpose of the council is to build consistent and effective communication that allows parents an opportunity to be actively involved in their children’s education, and to enhance academic excellence at our school.

There are currently seven openings on the council for the 2021-22 school year.  If you are interested in serving on the council, please complete the attached SCC Candidate Form and return it to the school by September 10, 2021.

The School Community Council election will be held September 13-17, 2021.

Thank you,

Meredith Doleac, Principal

Safe Routes Plan (AMENDED)

August 18, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Out of an abundance of caution and for the safety of our students, changes have been made to the 2021-22 Safe Walking Routes for our school. Due to the fact that Ridge View Elementary and Mountain Ridge High School dismiss at the same time on Fridays, as well as concerns for our students crossing the entry/exit ways in front of the high school, it has become necessary to update portions of the walking routes.  After consultation with the Herriman Police and City Engineering Departments, changes have been made to areas 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 of the Safe Walking Routes so that students no longer walk along Sentinel Ridge in front of the high school.  These changes will take effect tomorrow morning, August 19, 2021 and will replace the walking routes previously published. Please refer to the attached text description and maps for specific details about the changes.  This information can also be found on our website under the “Parents & Students” tab.

While we understand that some routes may not be the most direct way to and from school, they have been determined to be the safest for our students. We will be discussing this with the students and stressing the importance of using the identified routes. I ask that you also take time to review the routes with your children and become familiar with them. Thank you in advance for your partnership and support.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Ridge View Elementary Safe Routes to School 2021-22 AMENDED

First Day of School

August 16, 2021

Greetings Ridge View Families,

We look forward to our first day of school tomorrow and can’t wait to greet the students with a red-carpet welcome!  Students will line up at their grade level doors and then follow their teachers onto the red carpet and through the main doors. We invite families to line the red carpet, take photos, and cheer on your students as they begin their first day of school!

As a reminder, school begins at 9:00 a.m. and dismisses at 3:35 p.m., Monday-Thursday.  Friday dismissal is at 1:00 p.m.

Welcome back - - we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Jordan Virtual Learning Academy

Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary School is a tuition-free online school for all K-6 students in Utah. You can enroll now for the 2021-22 school year. Rocky Peak will provide a complete virtual curriculum in English Language Arts, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  If you are interested or would like to learn more, please refer to the contact information below.

May Newsletter

May 3, 2021

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It doesn’t seem possible that we are embarking upon our final month of school.  As challenging and unusual as this year has been, it’s also been rewarding in so many ways.  I am so proud of our entire school community for pulling together and making the most of this crazy year!

The month of May also marks the beginning of RISE testing for students in 3rd-6th grades.  Please watch for additional information from your child’s teacher regarding specific testing dates and times.  We encourage students to do their very best to demonstrate their learning.

Important dates and information are included in the May/June Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your partnership and support.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

April Newsletter

April 5, 2021

Greetings Ridge View Families,

I hope you all enjoyed a fun and relaxing spring break! It is great to see everyone back at school today.  It seems hard to believe that we are embarking on our last two months of school, both of which are sure to be busy and filled with many fun activities.

Thank you for your participation at parent-teacher conferences last month.  We are grateful for your partnership in the education of our students.  If you haven’t had an opportunity to take the School Climate Survey yet, we encourage you to do so.  We value your feedback and want to hear from you.  Please go to the following link to participate:

I’ve recently received several questions regarding the statewide mask mandate that ends April 10th.  Please be aware that this does not apply to K-12 schools and that we will continue to operate under the current Utah Department of Health order, which requires the use of masks in schools.  We appreciate everyone’s support as we adhere to state guidelines these last months of school.

Important dates and information are included in the April Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal


We are very excited to welcome our kindergarten students to Ridge View Elementary!  We look forward to meeting you and want to do all we can to make the transition to kindergarten a positive one.

The following documents are required for registration:

  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Current Immunization Records
  • Proof of Residency

Should your child have any medical or health conditions requiring special attention, please contact the office and we will put you in contact with our school nurse.

Please click on the link to complete the online registration:

Kindergarten Enrollment & Registration

Please click on the link to complete a kindergarten session request:

Kindergarten Session Request for 2021-22

Please click on the link for the kindergarten orientation activity packet:

Kindergarten Orientation Activity Packet    

March Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

How can it already be March? I always like this time of year, as it brings more opportunities to be outside with warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held later this month on Wednesday and Thursday, March 24th and 25th.  As in the fall, all conferences will be held VIRTUALLY. If you have questions or need assistance scheduling a conference, please contact our office. Additional instructions and a virtual meeting link will come directly from your child’s teacher.

Please be aware of the following dates:

  • Friday, March 19th, Grade Transmittal Day, NO SCHOOL
  • Friday March 26th, Compensatory Day, NO SCHOOL
  • Monday-Friday, March 29th-April 1st, SPRING RECESS

Details about other important dates are included in the March Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

February Newsletter  

Greetings Ridge View Families,

I can’t believe February is upon us.  I hope this finds your families healthy and well as we make our way through the winter months!

As a reminder, kindergarten enrollment for the 2021-22 school year is underway.  It is very important that we have an accurate count of kindergartner students who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2021, please register him/her as early as possible.

Classes will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Thursday, February 11th.  Students will participate in teacher-directed activities that day and will have the opportunity to exchange Valentines if they wish to.  Health and safety guidelines will be followed as usual throughout the day. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have questions.

There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 15th for President’s Day.  Details about other important dates are included in the February Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

January Newsletter

January 5, 2021

Greetings Ridge View Families,

Welcome Back and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break.  It is wonderful to see all of the students back at school this week.  I look forward to the new year and certainly hope it brings a return to some normalcy!

It’s hard to believe that kindergarten enrollment for the 2021-22 school year begins this month.  It is very important that we have an accurate count of the number of kindergartners who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2021, please come in to register him/her for kindergarten.  Information will be sent home and posted on our website regarding this process. Also, please help us spread the word to friends and neighbors with kindergartners who might not be aware of the enrollment period.

Please be aware that there is no school on Monday, January 18th for Martin Luther King Day and on Tuesday, January 19th for a Professional Development Day.

Details about other important dates are included in the January Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

December Newsletter

December 3, 2020

Greetings Ridge View Families,

December is here and that means just two more weeks of school before Winter Recess.  Typically, this month is full of programs, concerts, and other holiday activities.  We REALLY miss these opportunities to be together, but look forward to celebrating the holidays with other creative and fun festivities here at school.

Winter Recess is December 21-January 1. We'll see everyone back at school on Monday, January 4.  Enjoy the break!

Details about other important dates, as well as inclement weather policies are included in the December Newsletter and are also listed on our school website.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

As always, thank you for your continued partnership in the education of your child.  I wish you and your families joy and peace this holiday season, and a happy and prosperous New Year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

DEADLINE: 2nd Semester Student Change Request Form

Please be aware that tomorrow is the deadline for requesting a change to your student’s learning option, either to in-person or moving to online, starting on January 20, 2021.  This request must be completed by Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 11:59 p.m. to be considered for a possible change to your student's online or in-person placement beginning January 20, 2020. A separate form is required for each student. Not all requests may be accommodated based on space available in online and in-person classes. Only those requests entered in Skyward by the deadline will be considered for changes in January.


  • Only complete this form if you would like to change your student's current learning option.
  • This Skyward form is the official request for a change beginning January 20, 2021.  Please complete this form in Skyward Family Access.
  • A separate request form is required for each student.
  • Only requests submitted through Skyward by the deadline of Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 11:59 p.m. will be considered for changes based on teacher availability and space available in classrooms.

November Newsletter

November 2, 2020

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It is hard to believe that November is here and we are about to enter the holiday season.  It seems like this time of year always goes by quickly!

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held next Wednesday and Thursday, November 11th and 12th.  As a reminder, all conferences will be held VIRTUALLY.  If you have questions or need assistance scheduling a conference, please contact our office. Additional instructions and a virtual meeting link will come directly from your child’s teacher.

As a reminder, there is NO school Friday, November 6th or November 13th.  There will be no work sent home for students to complete these days.

Details about other important dates are included in the November Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Halloween Activities 

In an effort to follow health and safety guidelines, we will not hold a Halloween Parades this year.  Instead, students will participate in teacher-directed Halloween activities in their classes on Thursday, October 29th.  We invite students to wear their costumes to school that day if they would like to.  Please remember that masks, hoods that cover the face, and weapon facsimiles are not permitted.  Also, this year we ask that students not wear face paint or bring costume accessories that can be passed around or held by other students.  Face coverings are required to be worn as usual throughout the day.

We are grateful for the support and assistance of volunteers.  While we continue to limit the number of visitors in the school, we encourage you to contact your child’s teacher to ask how you can help “from a distance”.  We look forward to making this day as fun and memorable as possible for our students during these unique circumstances!

October Newsletter

October 1, 2020

Greetings Ridge View Families!

What a busy first month of school it’s been!  I’ve absolutely loved seeing our students back in class. I truly appreciate your patience and support as we have worked to implement so many new procedures and protocols this year.  As a reminder, we ask that you continue to conduct temperature and symptom checks at home each school day. Please keep children home if they are ill or exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19.  I have attached a letter from the Salt Lake County Health Department, which provides additional information and guidelines for schools.

October is a busy month that brings an extended break for students.  Please be aware that Fall Recess is 19th-23rd, and there is also no school on Monday, October 26th due to Grade Transmittal Day.  I hope you find time to relax and enjoy some fun and safe fall festivities with your families!

Unfortunately, we are unable to hold many of our traditional Halloween festivities this year, including the parade.  However, we still plan to make it a fun day for our students and will provide teacher-directed Halloween activities on Thursday, October 29th.  Students are also invited to wear their costumes to school that day. Please watch for additional details and information to come in the upcoming weeks.

Details about other important dates are included in the October Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

September Newsletter

September 1, 2020

Greetings Ridge View Families,

WELCOME BACK!  We had a great first week of school and look forward to a successful year ahead.  It’s been absolutely wonderful to see our students again.

As always, regular and consistent communication is essential to a strong partnership between home and school.  In order to receive important information and updates throughout the year, please ensure that we always have a current email address and phone number for your family.

Our school website and newsletter are a couple of other places you can find helpful information.  Please find the September Newsletter here.

I value your feedback and welcome opportunities to hear from you.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or input you might have.


Meredith Doleac, Principal


August 27, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for a successful first week back to school! The teachers and I have greatly appreciated your support and positivity as we’ve all embarked on new challenges and ways of doing things.

As a reminder, we have a unique schedule this year, in which Fridays are reserved for individual or small group learning at school. ALL students will participate in learning activities on Fridays, however, not all will attend in-person.  If your student is scheduled to attend in-person instruction on a particular Friday, the teacher will contact you and make prior arrangements.  If you are not notified by your child’s teacher in advance, please keep them home to participate in the at-home learning activities provided by the teacher. 

If you have questions as to whether or not your student should attend school for in-person instruction on Friday, please contact the teacher.

  • School hours are 11:00 a.m. -1:55 p.m. Buses will run at the beginning and end of this time block only.
  • Grab-and-Go lunch can be picked up from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  This is available to ALL students at Ridge View.  Please note that regular lunch prices apply unless on free/reduced lunch.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.

Thank you,

Meredith Doleac, Principal

VIRTUAL Back-to-School Night

August 20, 2020

Dear Ridge View Families,

Welcome to the 2020-21 school year!  While many of us share feelings of excitement and anticipation, we also understand there might be little bit of worry and uncertainty.  Please carefully read and review the Re-Opening Plan I sent earlier today.  I am hopeful it will alleviate your concerns and answer any questions you might have in relation to the health and safety precautions we have put in place here at Ridge View Elementary.

Additionally, we are excited to present a “VIRTUAL Back-to-School Night” so that you and your students can get to know their teachers before the first day of school next week.  I am confident you will enjoy the fun and insightful information they have provided, and hope this too will help ease any worries or concerns you’ve been having.  We realize this year will be very different from others in the past, but we are working hard to find new ways of doing some of the familiar things we’ve always done.  We love our students and are committed to do all we can to make it a positive year for them!

As a reminder, the first day of school for 1st-6th grade is Tuesday, August 25th.  The first day for kindergarten and preschool is Wednesday, September 2nd.  When students arrive at school, they should go to their grade level doors and line up with their class on an assigned ground marker.  Teachers will be outside to greet students and escort them into the building.  Please keep the following things in mind for daily drop-off:

  • Outside supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. Students should not arrive at school prior to that time.
  • Playgrounds will be closed before school.
  • Students should put on a face covering when arriving on school grounds.
  • Upon arrival, students should social distance as they enter the school grounds and walk to their designated lines.
  • Students should wear a face covering while waiting in line and before entering the building.

As always, I am very grateful for your support and appreciate the partnership we share in the education of your students.  Please know that much of this year’s planning is new to us and that we know there will be things we need to correct or improve once we get up and going.  We ask for your patience and understanding.  I welcome your feedback and am happy to answer any questions you have.

Here is to a wonderful school year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Ridge View Elementary Re-Opening Plan

August 20, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

WELCOME BACK! We are so excited to get the new school year started.  As we embark upon the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have created a RE-OPENING PLAN in an effort to mitigate the spread of the virus and create a culture of safety and respect among our entire school community.  The plan meets the requirements established by both the State and the District, and also addresses routines, procedures, and expectations specific to Ridge View Elementary.  Please know that the development of this plan is ongoing and is something we have never done before.  We will learn as we go and make adjustments based on the needs of our students, staff, and school community.

Please also be aware of the recent clarification by Governor Gary Herbert and the Utah Department of Health in regards to face coverings in schools.  The health order states that every individual inside of a school building or on a school bus must wear a face mask.  It also clarified that face shields are not a substitute for face masks, except in special circumstances when the ability to see the mouth is essential.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Welcome Back!! 

Who’s ready to start school??? We are so excited to welcome all of you back. We've missed you! Please watch for several important items to come your way this week, including the Ridge View Re-Opening Plan, as well as a link to our “VIRTUAL BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT”. As a reminder, the first day of school for students in 1st-6th grade is Tuesday, August 25th. Kindergarten and preschool students begin Wednesday, September 2nd. We’ll see you soon!

Ridge View Raptor PRIDE Winners

Virtual PRIDE Assembly

May 20, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I want to thank you for your support as we’ve all worked together to keep our students healthy and learning throughout the school dismissal.  As we approach the end of the school year, we encourage you to continue your efforts and hard work.  The following are some important updates and information you should be aware of.  As always, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Year End Dates

As previously stated, teachers will continue to provide educational services through the last day of school, Friday, June 5th.  There will be no NEW assignments given after May 22nd.  The final two weeks of school will be spent reviewing content, conferencing with students, and completing missing assignments if needed.  Teachers will also be providing fun, virtual ways to bring closure to the school year.

Chromebook/School Item Return

On June 4th, 5th, and 8th we will be collecting Chromebooks and other school issued items such as library books and classroom materials.  At this time, we will also return students’ personal belongings from their desks and classrooms. This process will take place by appointment. Specific scheduling instructions are attached to this email and will also be sent in an additional Skylert message.

Personal Belongings

If you do not have a Chromebook and/or other school issued items, you will still need to come to the school June 4th, 5th, or 8th to pick up students’ personal belongings that were left in their desks and classrooms.  This process will take place by appointment only.  Specific scheduling instructions are attached to this email and will also be sent in an additional Skylert message.

Please be aware that all items will be collected and returned at the main doors of the school.  When you arrive for your appointment, we ask that you follow appropriate social distancing guidelines and maintain 6 feet between you and others who may be waiting.  In order to manage the number of visitors at any one time, we will adhere to the appointment schedule as closely as possible.  Please do not arrive at school without an appointment.

If you have any other questions or need assistance scheduling an appointment, please feel free to contact our office.  We greatly appreciate your support throughout this process.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

SHMS Leadership Team Offers Resources and Activities

The leadership team at South Hills Middle School has recently created a website to provide resources and activities for the community during the school closure. In addition to fun crafts, recipes, and activity suggestions there will also be a couple of challenges each week where participants can win some great prizes to be picked up from your home school. They also will be organizing a couple of letter writing campaigns that you can get involved in. All of the details can be found on their website, Go check it out and get involved!

May 8, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this finds you and your families healthy and well!  Thank you for your continued patience and support over the last several weeks.  I am extremely appreciative of our entire school community for the flexibility, understanding, and positivity that has been shown during the school dismissal.  As we begin preparations for the end of the school year, I want to provide you with a few important reminders.

As previously shared in a Jordan School District Communication, there will be no NEW assignments given after May 22nd.  Educational services will continue to be provided through June 5th and teachers will remain available for questions and conferencing.  We are planning many fun and engaging activities for our students to enjoy during the final weeks of school. Please watch for more information to come from your child’s individual teacher.

During the week of June 1-5, we will be collecting Chromebooks and other school issued items such as library books and classroom materials. At this time, we will also return students’ personal belongings from their desks and classrooms.  This process will take place by appointment.  Instructions for scheduling an appointment will be sent soon.

As always, I want to thank you for your partnership in the education of our students. This has truly been an unprecedented time full of challenges and uncertainties.  I am so impressed by the willingness of our students, parents, and teachers to work together.  This might not be how we wanted our first year to end, but it’s certainly one to remember!

Again, please watch for additional information to come soon.  In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns I can help with.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

May Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families!

As we begin the month of May, I have found myself missing the many activities that normally fill this busy time at school - - end of year testing, assemblies, programs, field day, and other fun events, to name a few. It’s taken me back to how sad I felt when I learned that the school dismissal would go until the end of the school year.  While it was not entirely surprising, it was no less disappointing. The staff and I truly miss seeing you and look forward to when we can be together again in person. In the meantime, we will be coming up with some other types of “virtual” school activities to wrap up the year!

Please see the May/June Newsletter for a few items you should be aware of. Also, watch for additional information and other details to come out soon regarding the final weeks of school.  I will provide instructions on how and when you can return Chromebooks and other school property, as well as pick up your student’s personal belongings.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your continued support.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

May 1st is School Lunch Hero Day!          

Join us in celebrating our nutrition staff! Our amazing Ridge View staff dishes out love with every meal and helps make lunchtime a favorite part of our students’ day. We also want to thank them for their continued efforts to provide a healthy breakfast and lunch to students during the school dismissal. Our nutrition professionals truly are superheroes!

Jordan District Educator of the Year

We are so excited to announce that our very own Kristen Helton has been recognized as one of Jordan District’s Educators of the Year. Mrs. Helton is an amazing teacher who inspires our students and staff with music each day. We are so lucky to have her at Ridge View. Congratulations, Mrs. Helton. WE LOVE YOU!

Breakfast/Lunch Service

Beginning Monday, April 27th, Ridge View Elementary will be one of four new locations serving lunch (with a to-go breakfast for the next day).  Meals will be served daily from 11am-12pm and will be distributed via curbside pick-up.  Meals are free to all children ages 18 and younger.  Children must be present to pick up a meal.

When arriving, please enter through the west entrance of the bus loading zone and pull completely forward.  Please remain in your vehicle at all times.  If you are walking to the school, we ask that you follow social distancing guidelines and maintain at least six feet of distance between others as you wait in line.

April 13, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and your families had a wonderful Spring Break and were able to enjoy some much-needed downtime.  As we get ready to begin our fourth week of at-home learning, I wanted to provide you with a few important updates.

  • Schools are closed to the public, except by appointment. The front doors will no longer be open for students and parents to pick up materials unless prior arrangements have been made with the office.  To schedule an appointment, please call 801-567-8930.
  • Office phones will be answered/messages returned from 8am-1pm, Monday-Friday.
  • In addition to the usual sites, grab-and-go breakfast and lunch services have been expanded to five additional locations listed below. Pick up time is 11am-12pm and is free to all children age 18 and younger.
    • Bastian Elementary
    • Blackridge Elementary
    • Hayden Peak Elementary
    • Golden Fields Elementary
    • Monte Vista Elementary
  • The Student and Parent Technical Support Hotline (801-567-8999) resumes regular service from 8am to 4pm, Monday-Friday for anyone in need of technical support for Google Classroom, Canvas, Chromebook, internet, etc.
  • Should you have questions or concerns specifically related to assignments, instruction, etc., please contact your child’s teacher directly.

Thank you for your patience and support during this time.  I am so proud of our teachers, students, and the entire school community for the efforts everyone is making to continue with at-home learning.  We recognize the challenge this has been for many families and want to express our appreciation for all you do.  If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Spring Break

Greetings Ridge View Families,

The staff and I would like to wish all of you a wonderful Spring Break!  There will be no at-home learning next week, April 6th-10th.  We look forward to seeing all of you back online Monday, April 13th.

We want to share this video with all of you to let you know how much we miss you and are thinking of you.  Stay healthy and well, Raptor Family!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

April Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It is hard to know where to begin as I send out the April Newsletter.  Never in a million years could I have imagined the circumstances we all find ourselves in today.  Just last month, I mentioned how excited I was for the upcoming weeks and the many fun school activities and events that accompany them.  Instead, we find ourselves with a very unexpected interruption to our school year.  One that has left all of us adjusting our daily lives and adapting to a new “normal”.

While we may not see one another at school on a daily basis, and though our usual routines and activities have been disrupted, the teachers and I are committed to providing as much structure and stability as possible for our students.  Our love for your children, and our dedication to them and the entire school community, remains strong.  While you will not read of upcoming events or important dates in the April Newsletter, I hope you will see it as one more means to stay connected to all of you.  We appreciate your support and partnership always, but especially during these challenging and uncertain times.

Please be aware that school will be closed next week for Spring Recess and there will be no access to the building.  At-home learning will resume on Monday, April 13th.

If you have any questions or if there is anything I can ever do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

To assist parents and students with at-home, digital learning, Jordan School District has established a Student and Parent Technical Support Hotline number (801) 567-8999.

The hotline is available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday (except April 9 and 10) for anyone in need of technical support for Google Classroom, Canvas, Chromebook, internet, etc.

March 21, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I want to take a moment to reach out and let you know how much we appreciate the patience and understanding you have shown over the past week.  As we learn to navigate our way through these challenging times, I speak for the entire Ridge View faculty and staff when I tell you that we couldn’t do this without your support.  We are lucky to have such an amazing school community.  Please tell your students how much we love them and miss them.  While we are disappointed that our school year has been interrupted, we want them to know that we are still thinking of them!

I would like to make you aware of the following updates for the upcoming week:

  • Ridge View will no longer be serving school lunch.  Parents have been notified of the locations in which students can now pick up lunches.  Breakfast and lunch will be FREE for ALL children 18 and under.
  • In an effort to maintain social distancing, building access will be limited.  Ridge View will be open daily from 8am-1pm, however, there may or may not be staff available in the office. Phones will continue to be answered daily and messages will be checked often. Parents and students should come to the school only during scheduled times that have been prearranged with teachers or staff.  We will make every effort to be available to you via phone and email, should you have any questions, concerns, etc.
  • Instructions for accessing Google Classroom and Canvas are posted on our website. For other questions, please contact your teacher or the office.
  • There have been no updates regarding the length of the school dismissal.  You will be notified when these become available.

We recognize that this is a difficult time.  For children, breaking routine can cause stress and uncertainty.  To help manage anxiety that may arise while students are out of school, I’ve included a few resources you might find helpful.

Confident Parents, Confident Kids – My Kid’s School is Closed, So Now What?

30 Things You Can Do For Your Emotional Health

Talking to Kids About Coronavirus

Thank you for your support during this challenging time.  Even though we don’t see them every day, we want our students to know that we continue to be here for them.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we can offer support or answer questions.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Student Login Information for Google Classroom


Connecting Google Drive and Canvas (English))

español Conectar Google Drive con Canvas

School Lunch Service Begins March 18th

Lunch service will be 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. throughout the school dismissal period.  Please remember that parents will be unable to pick up a lunch without their student present.  Students will enter and exit through the outside cafeteria doors on the west side of the school.  Regular meal prices will apply:

Elementary student pricing: $1.75 for lunch

Secondary student pricing: $2.00 for lunch

Free and reduced eligibility applies to all meals

March 16, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In a continued effort to keep you informed about the upcoming weeks, I would like to share the following information with you.  Please review it closely, as some items have been recently updated.

  • School Lunch Service
    • ​​​​​​​School lunch service will be provided daily from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., beginning Wednesday, March 18th.
    • Lunches will be served in a "Grab & Go" style so that students can return home after picking up their lunch.  Parents will be unable to pick up a lunch without their student present.
    • Students will enter and exit through the outside cafeteria doors on the west side of the school.  Once they enter, they will pick up their lunch and then give their name to our cafeteria staff before exiting.
    • Regular school lunch prices will apply, including free/reduced lunch.  You can continue to pay for lunches online.
  • Technology Devices
    • Online instruction and assignments can be accessed using a variety of digital devices, including desktop computers, laptops, iPads, Smartphones, etc.
    • If you do not have access to a digital device for your child(ren) during the upcoming weeks, please complete the following form no later than Monday, March 16th.  Ridge View Chromebook Check-Out Google Form
    • Pick up times will be scheduled on Tuesday, March 17th.  You will be emailed an assigned pick-up time.  Please arrive on time to keep lines running efficiently.
    • A parent signature and ID is required to check out a Chromebook.
    • If you do not currently have internet access at your home please contact our office and we will direct you to resources for assistance.
  • At-Home Learning Curriculum and Materials
    • Teachers will use a variety of methods to provide instruction and learning opportunities for students.
    • Instructions to access online materials will be provided by your child’s teacher.
    • If you have any questions or concerns about assignments, please contact your child’s teacher directly. They are happy to assist you and will provide many opportunities for you to interact with them.
  • School Building Access
    • There will be limited access to the school building/property during the upcoming weeks.
    • We ask that parents and students only visit the school during designated, prearranged scheduled times.

Thank you for your continued support and patience throughout this process.  We will continue to communicate updated information as we receive it.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Technology Device Check-Out

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we continue to plan and prepare learning materials for our students, I’d like to make you aware of the check-out process for those who do not currently have access to a technology device at home.  Online instruction and assignments can be accessed using a variety of digital devices such as desktop computers, laptops, iPads, Smartphones, etc.

  • If you do not have access to a digital device for your child(ren) during the upcoming weeks, please complete the Ridge View Chromebook Check-Out Google Form
  • Our front office staff will contact you to schedule a device pick up time, which will begin Tuesday, March 17th.
  • A parent signature and ID is required to check out a Chromebook.
  • If you do not currently have internet access at your home please contact our office and we will direct you to resources for assistance.

Thank you for your patience as we work to disseminate information in a timely manner.  I will be sending additional communication soon regarding school lunch service and building access.  I appreciate your support and am confident we will come together to make this time successful and meaningful for our students.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

March 15, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As we make the transition to at-home instruction during the state-mandated school dismissal, I would like to take this opportunity to update you on what to expect in the coming weeks.  First, I want to assure you that our teachers and staff are making every effort to ensure this process is a smooth one for you and your families.  Teachers will be given time at school this Monday and Tuesday to plan curriculum and prepare student learning materials that will be ready to go on Wednesday, March 18th.  Much of this will consist of on-line learning, which will require a technology device.  If you do not have access to a device, the school will provide one for you. Please watch for additional information regarding the check-out system we will have in place.

Lunch service will also begin Wednesday, March 18th and will follow a “grab & go” format from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. daily.  Students will use their lunch numbers as usual and must return home after picking up their meal.  More detailed information will be sent out soon regarding this process. If your family is in need of food or lunches before Wednesday, please contact me.

As mentioned in the Skylert message from Jordan School District, all school activities are cancelled or postponed through March 29th.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school. We know these are unique and challenging circumstances, and we appreciate your flexibility and understanding.  I will continue to update you as we receive more information.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership in the education of our students.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

March Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It’s hard to believe that March is upon us!  I always like this time of year, as it brings more opportunities to be outside with warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours.  It also marks the beginning of the last months of school, all of which tend to be busy and filled with many fun activities and events.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held next Wednesday and Thursday, March 11th and 12th.  All conferences will take place in your child’s classroom.  While you are here, we also invite you to visit the PTA Book Fair.

As a reminder, this Thursday, March 5th is an early out day and school will dismiss at 1:55 p.m. Friday, March 6th is a Grade Transmittal Day and there is NO SCHOOL. Next Thursday, March 12th is also an early out day and school will dismiss at 1:55 p.m.  There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, March 13th.

Details about other important dates are included in the March Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In order to ensure the safety of our students at Ridge View Elementary, as well as maintain the smooth flow of traffic in our parking lots, we ask for your cooperation with the following procedures.

  1. Please limit your speeds. It is important to remember that children sometimes act unpredictably.  Lower speed allows for appropriate reaction time.
  2. Please refrain from using your phone during drop-off and pick-up time.
  3. When entering the drop-off/pick-up zone from Greenford Lane, please be mindful of traffic coming from both directions. We ask that drivers be considerate by taking turns and allowing one another to merge into the entrance.
  4. Please help maintain a continual flow of traffic by pulling all the way forward when dropping off and picking up your child. Students will be expected to wait south of the first crosswalk in order for cars to pull as far forward as possible.  Should you notice that you pull ahead of your child, he/she will be directed to walk to your vehicle. While we understand this will require patience on the part of everyone, following these procedures will contribute to the smooth flow of traffic, and most importantly, to the safety of our students.  As a reminder, please do not cut in front of waiting vehicles by entering the drop-off/pick-up zone from the thru lane.
  5. Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone. If you need to come into the school for any reason, please park in the parking lot and use the crosswalk.
  6. Students should exit and enter vehicles on the passenger (curb) side of the vehicle. It is not safe for them to load/unload on the left, as they will be in the thru lane of moving vehicles. This is very dangerous and impedes traffic.
  7. Should you choose to use the visitor parking lot in front of the school for drop-off or pick-up, please be aware that you must PARK your vehicle and walk your student to and from the crosswalk. Students will not be permitted to cross to the parking lot without an adult. Please understand this cautionary measure is for the safety of your children.  There is limited supervision in the visitor parking lot and we do not want to place students in hazardous situations.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience.  We appreciate your assistance in helping to keep our students safe!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

February Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It was definitely an exciting start to February as Mother Nature delivered a winter storm prompting an unexpected snow day! Hopefully, you all stayed warm and enjoyed the day off.  Events like this serve as a good reminder of how important it is to keep contact information up to date.  We make every effort possible to keep families informed with different means of communication, primarily Skylert emails and phone calls. Should any of your contact information ever change, please be sure to update it with our office.

As a reminder, kindergarten enrollment for the 2020-21 school year is underway.  It is very important that we have an accurate count of the number of kindergartners who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2020, please come into the office to register him/her.  Kindergarten Orientation will be held Friday, February 28th at 2:15 p.m.

We have recently been working to address several safety concerns in our parking lots and drop-off/pick-up zones. While some of our procedures might mean waiting a minute or two longer during arrival and dismissal times, we can all agree there is nothing more important than keeping our students safe.  Please watch for additional information and parking lot safety procedures to be sent home soon.  Thank you in advance for taking the time to review these guidelines and for making student safety a priority at Ridge View!

Don’t forget there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 17th for President’s Day.  Details about other important dates are included in the February Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Kindergarten Registration

It’s hard to believe that kindergarten enrollment for the 2020-21 school year is underway!  It is very important that we have an accurate count of the number of kindergartners who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2020, please come in to register him/her for kindergarten.  Also, please help us spread the word to friends and neighbors with kindergartners who might not be aware of the enrollment period.  Kindergarten Orientation will be held Friday, February 28th at 2:15 p.m.

January Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  2019 was an exciting year as we opened Ridge View Elementary and welcomed students and families to our school community.  We ended the year on a high note and look forward to the many great things to come in the new year ahead!

It’s hard to believe that kindergarten enrollment for the 2020-21 school year begins this month.  It is very important that we have an accurate count of the number of kindergartners who will be coming to Ridge View next school year.  If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2020, please come in to register him/her for kindergarten.  Information will be sent home soon regarding this process. Also, please help us spread the word to friends and neighbors with kindergartners who might not be aware of the enrollment period.  Kindergarten Orientation will be held Friday, February 28th at 2:15 p.m.

Please be aware that there is no school on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Day and on Tuesday, January 21st for a Grade Transmittal Day.

Details about other important dates are included in the January Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

December Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

December is here, along with colder temperatures and shorter hours of daylight! The upcoming weeks can become quite overwhelming as families prepare for holiday gatherings, travel, and other special events. In all of this preparation, it is helpful to make every effort possible to maintain daily routines, consistent homework/reading practice, and regular bedtimes for your child.  Each of these not only supports your student’s learning, but also helps them enjoy the many fun holiday activities at home and school.

As a reminder, Winter Recess begins after school on Friday, December 20th.  School will resume on Monday, January 6, 2020.  Enjoy the break!

Details about other important dates, as well as inclement weather policies are included in the December Newsletter and are also listed on our school website.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

As always, thank you for your continued partnership in the education of your child.  I wish you and your families joy and peace this holiday season, and a happy and prosperous New Year!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all of our Ridge View students and families a wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy the extended break.  We'll see you back at school on Monday, December 2nd.

Ridge View Dedication

Save the Date!  Join us as we celebrate our wonderful school.

November Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It is hard to believe that November is upon us!  We have a busy couple of months coming up as we head into the holiday season.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held this Wednesday and Thursday, November 6th and 7th.  All conferences will take place in your child’s classroom.  While you are here, we invite you to visit the PTA Book Fair, as well as the Say Boo to the Flu Clinic that will be held on Wednesday from 3:30-7:00 p.m.

As a reminder, Thursday, November 7th is early out day.  School will dismiss at 1:55 p.m.  There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, November 8th.

Details about other important dates are included in the November Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.  Thank you for your continued support!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Halloween Parade

We would like to extend an invitation for you to attend the Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31st at 9:15 a.m.  Due to the expected cold temperatures, the parade will be held in the gym.  We will not require visitors to check in at the office, but request that everyone enter the building through the front doors.  Please remember that masks, hoods that cover the face, and weapons or weapon facsimiles are not permitted.  We appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines and look forward to seeing you!

Fall Break

As a reminder, school is out for Fall Recess, October 21st-25th, and again on Monday, October 28th for Grade Transmittal Day. Enjoy the break! We'll see you back in school on Tuesday, October 29th.


Ridge View students are helping those in need by participating in 'SOCKTOBER'.  We appreciate the support and thank you for your donations!

October Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families!

The school year is in full swing and I am so pleased with the great things happening here at Ridge View.  I have enjoyed getting to know so many of you and your children over the past several weeks.  We truly have a wonderful school community of students, staff, and parents!

October is a busy month that brings several school activities, as well as an extended break for students.  Please be aware that Fall Recess is longer than usual this year, going from October 21st-25th.  There is also no school on Monday, October 28th due to Grade Transmittal Day.  I hope you find time to relax and enjoy some fall festivities with your families!

Details about other important dates are included in the October Newsletter and are also listed on our school calendar.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership!


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Junior Achievement at Ridge View 

We're looking for volunteers to present Junior Achievement at our school! JA teaches children about money, businesssocial studies and careers. Volunteers teach 5-6 lessons, and each lesson lasts 30-45 minutes. The lesson kits have very detailed instructions and contain all of the materials you will need. A JA representative will also give you a short training to help you prepare. If you are willing to volunteer, please sign up at the link below. Thank you!

PTA Reflections Contest

Just a reminder that Reflections entries must be turned in October 7th. You still have time to “Look Within” and create something! Follow this link for entry forms:

Welcome to the Home of the RAPTORS!

We are now home to the Ridge View Raptors!  We celebrated our mascot and color reveal with a special assembly and a fun visit by the Utah Jazz Dunk Team! The students had a great time and each of them received a t-shirt with our new logo.  It was an exciting celebration and the beginning of new traditions at Ridge View Elementary!

Crosswalk Safety

As we continue to focus our efforts on the safety of our students, we’d like to share the following video link about crosswalk safety.  Herriman City and the Herriman Police Department have created this video to help drivers understand the State of Utah's crosswalk laws.

We appreciate the efforts of the Herriman Police Department and encourage everyone to work together to keep our kids safe!

Please click here to view the video.

We're Hiring!

Please help us spread the word! Ridge View is still in need of assistants for our PE classes, computer lab, and resource class. All of these positions are 17 hours/week. To apply, use the following link: and click on “Classified APPLY HERE”. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact our office or feel free to send us a message. If you know of someone else who would be interested, please share this information with them. We appreciate your help!

September Newsletter

Greetings Ridge View Families,

It’s hard to believe that it’s already September and we are well into our first few weeks of school!  The months of preparation that went into planning and opening Ridge View Elementary were well worth it as we see the classrooms filled and hear the buzz of learning!

I believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential to the success of our students.  One means of accomplishing this is to ensure regular and consistent communication.  We understand the importance of keeping families informed and will utilize several different means of communication.  In order to receive important information and updates, please ensure that we always have a current email address and phone number for your family.

Additionally, our website and school newsletter are a couple of other places you can find helpful information.  Please find the September Newsletter here.

I value your feedback and welcome opportunities to hear from you.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or input you might have.


Meredith Doleac, Principal

Kindergarten Registration
We are currently gathering information about incoming kindergarten students who will be attending the Ridge View Elementary.  If you have a child who will begin kindergarten in the 2019-20 school year, please complete the short survey.

We're Hiring!
Ridge View Elementary is currently hiring for several part-time positions. We are looking for amazing people who love working with kids and want to be a part of our incredible new school! Positions include: PE aides, special education aides, playground aides, classroom aides, nutritional workers, media assistants, and office assistants. Please use the following link to apply: and click on “Classified APPLY HERE”. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our office.